So… They F*cking Knew All Along



Not only did I lose £1500 on a ticket to visit my son in New Zealand, because I refused to be vaccinated, I actually thought I might not ever be able to visit or see him again. The mental anguish it caused people, especially those who never got to say goodbye to loved ones, when they died. All the lies, misinformation & propaganda spread by the government & media cannot be forgotten & they must be held accountable!

Unvaccinated here and living in Australia. Goverment showed me their true colours during the whole COVID19 shenanigan alongside many other “friends” who simply removed me from their little pathetic circles and insulted me because I was either cruel, selfish and infectious or not allowed to go anywhere. Couldn’t go to work for a whole year, all I was allowed to do was grocery shopping. The public sham was real for all of us who had discernment and accurate thoughts around what was going on. I will never forget and never again will I trust this Goverment.


  1. I am one of the ones who could not see my husband for the two months before he died (we knew he was dying). Twelve hours before he died, they put him in a “special” area where I could see an almost corpse. This is what covid practice was allowed to take place. And, even during the 5 months he was in a facility, when covid knocked at the door, I could not see him then either – and I was given the shot so I would be able to see him, to no avail.

  2. As a real social experiment it was, that’s for sure, and all of the “officials” who were well paid and rewarded for lying have only been rewarded. Yes, my mother was forced on a ventilator because she did NOT have covid, but the facility wanted that $39,000 bonus check. The ventilator killed her, but since the hospital knows we are lawyers, they didn’t lie on the death certificate. They were too busy giggling because they kept all kinds of family members from seeing their mother before her miserable death by ventilator. If there is a God, and if God cares about Justice, then let us see some Justice.


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