These Emails Just Lost Him The Election



This is sickening, you cannot rename a felony a blind spot and walk away if you are an average American.

It’s August 2023 and Russel Brand is leaps and bounds a more trust worthy journalist than any main stream news outlet.


  1. First of all, stupid old senile poopypants Joe never won the election, he stole it! He doesn’t care if all this negative publicity will hurt his chance at re-election because he knows the plans are already in the works to steal the next election. Civil war may be the only way to stop the Marxist dummycrats from stealing the whole country away from us.

    • I will not vote for a Democrat. Or a RINO. If Biden or some other DEM.
      Is elected President, Then another civil war may be necessary. We most save the USA. The Democrats should change there name to Socialists!
      Like it or not is the same as Communist. Biden is in bed with China.
      Even regular Democrats don’t what that.

    • Yes, the Democrats are now the party of Communist. They want a Democrat dictatorship and will do absolutely anything to get it. President Trump would not won in 2016 had Democrats thought he even had a chance.
      At this point only. the people of the. United States can make it a fair election. With due diligence? or civil war If that is what it takes.
      Everybody knows that numbers voted in 2020 are total fake.
      Trump getting 10,574,206 more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016
      And yet there was only 13,718,108 New legal registered voters in 2020 then. there were in 2016
      Yet they say 21,951,108 More people voted in 2020 than did in 2016.

      • We know they cheated, they know they cheated, they yell at us prove they cheated, Dominion uses massive threats to intimidate those doing investigations into their machines. Its all an unstoppable set up to prevent anther person like Trump, or unapproved who will not suck up, from occupying the office of POTUS.

  2. We definitely need a Civil War the American Patriots against the Communist child molesting Democrats and Confused gendered creatures might as well take them out too there is worthless to society is the Democrats

    • Adolf, you speak as though we have the ability to wage civil war, we do not have that ability. We don’t have command and control, we do not have training, we do not have anything we need except for pop guns in a disorganized manner and the other side is working on even removing the pop guns along with every other thing we hold dear, our homes, land, money, and can use shutting down electricty, fuel, water, communications, and use the legal system to take away any rights you once supposedly had, and put you in prison for leading anyone. Look at the J6 people with sentences of nearly 30 years, they will die in prison.

  3. Does my heart good to read what others think. They think like we do. The Obama Administration needs to be in prison. Hillary and Bill belong in prison. The Biden Family and Administration need to be in prison. They are all Corrupt.

    The Russian Hoax was an insurrection. They all need to be in prison. Hillary and the destroyed hard drive were means for prison. Lock her up. Garland and Wray should be in prison.

    The only person we can trust is President Trump. You are all right. The 2020 election was rigged after midnight. Several states were rigged. I don’t think we will ever have a fair election.

  4. Excuse me, but why all the redaction. These emails are public information. Redaction mean a need to hide the truth. You can run, you can hide, but eventually the hammer of justice must fall.

  5. I am sorry to say that the deck is all stacked in the current administrations favor. There is absoltely nothing the average joe can do to stop their actions and out come of the next election. If, as has been written, the Democratic side is responsible for funding and bringing in Covid to the USA through China (developed in the Obama years) in order to tilt the elections, then that leadership is so vial and corrupt that it would take a miracle to go up against it. They have control of all the Federal and State Law Enforcement, have control of the illgeal alian enforcement, if they find a weak spot they can change the laws over night, they can arrest and put you in a psudoprison as your rights under the Constitution and Bill of Rights are now days being abridged. The Court system has been compromised with their own trained liberal representatives which follow their doctrine. The US Military command levels have been neutralized with liberal minded lemmings that do as they are told to include attacking civilians within our own nation. It is already too late to do anything about changing the direction of the fall of the USA in accordance with Nikita Khrushchhev said where they will not even have to fire a shot. This has taken the communists 60 years to do and started with our ignoring what was being taught in our primary schools through universitites, those students now are the teachers. The leaders in Washington DC today are not representing the average Joe on the street, they represent the Globaists in their desire to have a very controllable One World Government. Who are the Globalists, they the ultra rich people like Gates, Bloomberg, Gettys, Rockefellers, SChumer, Vaderbelts, Carnegie, jus to name a few in the USA. Other nations have thier own such as the Debars, Rothchilds, and Sipva not to mention the Indians and Chinese.
    Even a new Civil or World War will not stop these people from realising their goals of World Dominance. If you attack one, you attack all and they have their own defenses and will not change thier goals. But they can cut off power, water, fuel, food, and subject us to 24 hour curfews at their own will.
    So what’s the conclusion, basically we have no choice in the matter, you can fly your flags from your pickup trucks, you can write about it, you can complain about it, you can accept they control everything including or fake election results, you can accept the fact they have the ability to throw another varient of Covid upon us, or you take the chance of being determined as an enemy of their state and will just disappear. End of story.


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