2024 Election Security CONFIRMED with this Strategy…



How to END VOTER FRAUD: 1. NO mail-in voting. 2. Absentee voting for military and shut-ins. 3. NO voting machines. 4. Four-day voting (Saturday through Tuesday). ID REQUIRED. 5. Water-marked, hand-counted paper ballots. 6. PAY vote counters and monitors. 7. Air-tight chain-of-custody. 8. Put vote fraudsters in PRISON. It’s not a mystery, Dr. Steve. Yes, this CAN be done.

When something isn’t right – the answer is to get MORE involved, not less. Vote, Be a poll watcher, or an election judge. Do whatever you can to to help bring integrity to our elections. Get INVOLVED.


  1. We need to get back to 1 day voting the way it used to be! We must do everything to bring integrity back to our communities.

    • Need to also go back to raising the voting age to 21. The only reason it was lowered is because dummycrat LBJ sent 500,000 U.S. Military personnel to Viet Nam and most were under 21. The younger folks said if they can be drafted into service they should have a say in decisions like the one LBJ made. The draft was eliminated in the early 1970s and the USA has been in War in the Middle East for 20 years, WITHOUT A SINGLE DRAFTEE! The drinking age was raised back up to 21 so the same should hold true with the voting age.

      • It is a proven fact that the brain of a person does not reach its full potential until their early 20’s. Why are we allowing brain deficient kids vote on things they do not understand. But then again, a lot of people over 21 have no concept of understanding either, even the college educated ones expecially.

  2. Honostly, they need to make a 100% cheat free system and that would be to have 2 seperated voting buildings in each place, one for Republicans only and one for Demoncrats only. Then all the votes for Trump will be handled by only good Republicans, make sure not a Rhino, all the votes will be legit and not lost or changed and of course need the Demoncrats building watched for people doing multiple votes so people watching and videos can be placed on bothsides.


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