Vivek Ramaswamy DESTROYS Two Liberal TMZ Hosts Blaming Maui Wild Fire Disaster On Climate Change!



The fact that TMZ is still relevant is disturbing

I love how he isn’t afraid to talk to these leftist fools.


  1. Can you imagine that most prisons in Fl. have no a/c’s and they were turning on the heat in their dorms to punish them, that are just a metal warehouse with only fans on the ceilings. The average temps in those building have been 115 degrees without the heat index.

  2. Trump is correct. VR has already shot his mouth off and that blatant approach didn’t go well for Trump,,, at all. IMagine if Trump had the couth and the emotional control to reign in his mouth, gotten rid of the name calling, the childish exchanges? HE”D still be president.. Did he. nor VR learn nothing..? We’ve had enough upheaval as a nation. The verbal abuse/sparring has opened a gate for all the citizens of this land TO ACT OUT, shoot off your mouth, your gun, your ability to loot and commit physical violence. One small step leads to larger more aggressive actions, if not snipped in the bud.. I like how VR has FACT and his great vocabulary to back it up…. He doesn’t need to become a loud mouth asshole… He already has the ammo to counter the left with FACTS… Snark is not necessary.. It simply tears down the case that is being made and diverts the point. Stop the school yard bullsht.. It didn’t serve Trump well and was a LARGE part of his defeat. WE need some social/ political skills… Put a harness on your MOUTH.. as we all do. I can’t imagine what my life would have been and would be like if I SAID every thing that I was thinking out loud… I’d be dead.

    • Trump wouldn’t have won in 2020 regardless of what came out of his mouth. That election was STOLEN! How do you explain the stolen senate elections in Michigan and Georgia and Pennsylvania? Trump was running for re-election as president, not any senate office. You need to watch the movie, which is NOT a hollywood bullshit movie, 2000 mules. This confirms all the suspicions that were taking place on election night. The dummycrats are determine NOT to have ANY republican as president every again. They’re already preparing for the 2024 election theft. As for school yard bullshit it was stupid senile old poopypants Joe who said in 2016, after horrible ugly old Hillary lost the election, the he would meet Trump behind the Gym. Notice poopypants Joe never showed up, the pussy. But I realize you live in the communist republic of California and if you truly speak your mind it may be hazardous to your health.

  3. msm covered up the Hunter Biden laptop,scandal during the 2020 election. If they were truthful , Trump would still be president. Wake up America, the msm is the democratic party and lies continually.

    • There has always been “Climate Change”! Its a naturally occurring event. It happens in cycles. Since the beginning of man thru history, the CO2 emissions caused by man has only increased carbon dioxide levels by .0000015%. This is fear mongering like the chicken little story.


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