Joy Behar DESPERATELY COPES Over DISASTROUS Biden Polls Showing Americans Think The Economy Is BAD!



Kamala couldn’t even win her own state in the primary last election.

Anytime I see Kamala’s face or hear the words that come out of her mouth, I look at my 9-year-old daughter and tell her that she’s smarter than the Vice President of the US. ‍♂️


  1. The plan that liberal left could have is to have another fraudulent election to get Biden re-elected but shortly after the election and after he gets sworn in he becomes ill and cannot continue with his presidency. Kameltoe steps in and ends up being president for the next 4 years. Since she is unable to get votes to be elected this is the only way she can end up being president. We will be in a world of shit if this were to happen.

    • Unfortunately, I think you are right on. However, I also think we are already live in a world of shit right now. If what you suggest were to actually happen, it might be the total destruction and end of the United States.

  2. Goldberg, Behar and the rest of the hens on the View blab about bullshit just to feel relevant. Most of their blabs are about President Trump calling him names, mocking him and implying he was an awful president. In their eyes Biden is the greatest leader and they fall all over Jill Biden. These bitches are the most disgusting arrogant lying liberals who don’t understand how they are being manipulated by their political master. I hope they all end up on the chopping block.

  3. The View is nothing more than a hate Trump show.. like the rest of the liberal media.. if they were anything other than a bunch of haters they would give the Biden family crooks the same amount of time..why oh why do they feel this man deserves loyalty .. he should be impeached tar & feathered & run outta town..

  4. Either she is the most ignorant old bag on earth or she is part of the Chinese Influence $$ Scam sweeping across the country. My money’s on the influence scam but maybe she really is that stupid? Either way cancel the View!! I’ve never watched it but I seen clips on Fox News and these women must be under Chinese money influence!! Like Ohomo’s and Biden’s entire Regime of Traitors

    • I would not be surprised if she and her kind were not getting payments from China to rag on America the way they do. She supports corrupt people so why is it not reasonable to assume she is corrupt herself?

  5. First of all look at who your talking about. She’ll lie till her dieing breath for the democrats, no matter who the democrat is. She’ll never amitt the truth even when she’s looking right at it. It’s all she has to keep her in the spotlight. If it wasn’t for Trump she won’t be on tv. None of them bat sh#t crazy bitchs won’t be there, like so many others that make a living by crying about trump. Trump causes more jobs by just being there. All they do is show just how bad things really are under bidens watch as president. The democrats did this to themselves by their corrupt ways for power.

  6. Behar needs to normalize her expense/income ratio against the expense/income ratio of normal people. It is not a big calculation but with her IQ of 20 I could see how it might be difficult for her. Perhaps she could get her accountant to do it for her. But when she realizes (and she won’t because she lives in her little world of denial) that normal people are paying the equivalent of 20,000 dollars for a loaf of bread she would have an idea why they know (not think) that the economy is out of control.

  7. This bag of sht Behar is an elite, she has no worry about food, clothing, rent, transportation, so how could she even empathize with middle America? She will flap her hideous mouth out of her botoxed mug to cover her job/income and ass. She is loud, ignorant, and bought and paid for by a media NETWORK, who now cover the Dems ass like a down comforter. MEDIA is owned by Washington…. money talks/bullsht walks. This hog needs to take her VIEW homies and go live in the real world. As if……………

  8. What is sad is that people watch the show and if you look at the people in the audience, most of them are women which is surprising because they want equality with men that they allow him self to get caught up in this trash bin of media slander, so you have to wonder where their brains are are they sitting on them.


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