Meanwhile in Chicago…….



No one should feel sorry for those who voted for this mayor after Leadfoot.

The more I see democrats in action the more I believe Babylon Bee was never meant to be satire but they were sending a message.


  1. These idiots in Chicago will never learn! Sorry, but the gutter trash outnumbers those with common sense. They had an opportunity to get rid of Lightfoot and bring another Mayor in far better. Even a moderate with some conservatism would have helped. Nope, they went with the black man who was more radical. They absolutely deserve what they voted for. If they get hit in their stupid heads enough they eventually will figure it out. We also need to get rid of the damn governor. Pritzger is also worthless and is lock, stock, and barrel in line with these disgusting democrats.

    These democrats and leftys are the most disgusting people I have ever seen in my sixty years of living. What a bunch of gutter trash!

  2. Haha, don’t hold back. The sheeple who keep voting democraps love to hear the lies and see the billboards during elections and that’s how they vote. Can’t fix STUPID

  3. If America’s government doesn’t get back to enforcing the Constitution The American Dream with its freedoms and rights will cease to exist.

  4. I have a spare cow and a kerosene lantern. Just give me a location in Chicago and I’ll send them there, on one condition, DON’T EVER REBUILD THE CITY!!!

  5. Chicago is doomed. I was born there, but since I’ve lived most of my life on the west coast (which is also on its way down the liberal toilet) I now disavow having ever lived there. Chicago is an embarrassment and I don’t want to admit to being from there.

  6. Biden is the biggest sleep walking do nothing asshole ever elected to the White House.Along with that laughing hyena Harris whos an another asshole whose in charge of the border.She’s another do nothing who doesn’t anything.They both need to go all he wants to do is sleep.High gas prices,food,meat,Think about it


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