So, They Knew It Was A Lie All Along



How is this not considered a crime against humanity?

It’s just crazy to me how people are willing to trust the government after all the crap that they’ve done.


  1. My sister was a 59-year old nurse, who was in good physical condition. She had taken the required jab and died shortly after, from blood clots resulting in a brain aneurysm. Approximately 4 to 5 months of receiving the jab, she had gotten a full body scan that revealed a complete good state of health.

    I will never get the jab and our government politicians can stick their alleged Covid Vaccine up their asses.

    Do not trust the CDC, Fauci, or anyone who tells you it’s safe.

  2. The worst part of the covid is that the methods that did show promise of actually working to reduce the severity of the disease were censored because those methods didn’t fit into Fauci and the dummycrat narrative. This disease was intentionally released upto the world by the Chinese with Fauci and the elite dummycrats help. Part of the reason the 2020 election was stolen. The dummycrats knew if they were caught they might end up in Levenworth.

  3. Couldn’t of said it better wilddog. They knew all along these shots, are human genecide, by the elites, to reduce the population on the planet.Thanks to dr.fraudci,and the chinese,for releasing this bio=weapon upon the world,to kill as many as possible,just didn’t work like they wanted,so ther trying again, to steal another election.


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