We’ve Heard This Before! But now black people see it!



As an Indian, I have to say, I am very happy to see Black Americans are waking up to this madness

It’s so sweet to watch blue cities and blue voters get what they voted for.


  1. I hope the black community sees and understands how the Democrats have manipulated them throughout the years. The closer it gets to election time, the Democrats will give them something, trying to keep their allegiance. I hope and pray the blacks remember what the Democrats have done to them.

    • You sure got that right. It started with giving blacks welfare so they’d vote democrat for the next 100 years. The dummycrat party is always telling blacks that the rich will be taxed more and more and the welfare money will go up and up. It even came to the point of Oboob giving away free cell phones in 2012. The thing the dummycrats don’t tell the blacks is that these dummycrat politicians are all rich and they won’t raise taxes on themselves. A loophole is always provided so the rich can hide their money and end up paying less taxes than the middle class. It’s the middle class and working class poor who end up paying for the welfare increases and the dummycrats have the welfare system set up in such a way that if a person on welfare decides to work and try to get out of poverty, they are punished and end up poorer. Instead of being slaves to the dummycrat controlled plantation, the blacks are slaves to the dummycrat controlled government through the welfare system.

  2. Even if they did stop voting for the democrats, it wouldn’t matter. The corruption is rampant in all of Chicago as is the voter fraud. The grave yard always votes democrat and they haven’t cleaned the voter rolls for eighty years.

  3. It’s nice to see that the Black community is beginning to wake up. The democrats are not your friends. They’ve used and abused for years. It all started with Pres. Lyndon Johnson, one of America’s biggest racists. His Great Society plan was keep you back on the plantations called the big inner cities to keep you under control. He made you totally dependent on the democrat government with handouts that sapped your strength and individuality. Poor education, bad housing and low paying jobs, promised you the world and you kept getting squat. Thank you for finally seeing the truth


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