We need to call it an anti self defense law. They’re not “gun control activists,” they’re anti self defense! This is important, as the words we use and the way we frame our position is important
There needs to be a National Rule, that prevents ALL violations of the Second Amendment.
Gun Control is a popular sport for washed out or Loser Politicians there are more than a 100 million privately owned fire arms probably double that in this Country how would you control that the little people keep throwing something at the wall thinking something will stick but they wind up being frustrated fairies
Potential mass shooters love gun free zones. Wake up!!!
Gun Control activists whether it be a “John Q. Public” or a politician have the same characteristics. #1 Misinformed about guns, in general. #2 A weak individual in mind and body. #3 Easily to be swayed in their convictions or are a wishy washy individual in all aspects of decision making. #4 Is a follower and NOT a leader in life. #5 Had non caring or non loving parents during their growing up years. #6 Never taught that not all gun owners are not dangerous.
You forgot #7. Gun control advocates are just plain stupid about the constitution. Lose your 2nd amendment rights and ALL rights will be lost.
Very true!