Joe Biden is ‘coming apart at the seams’



As a proud American patriot, I thank you for accurately depicting and covering our weak “president.” He is a shame and disgrace.

We, as Americans will be paying for Biden’s mistakes for generations.


  1. Is it patriotic to portray our president as incontinent or a seriously mentally impaired person? I particularly question this tactic when neither allegation is likely to be true. Get a grip—and a life—fellas!

    • Sharon: Why are they fighting a cognative test and refusing to take it. If he is fine he will pass it in flying colors, by refusing it looks like he is trying to hide something. Thats the true grip, with everyone looking why not put it to bed unless you are hiding something. He definately is not the Biden he was when he was elected.

  2. There is no difference between Biden and Trump, they both come from rich homes, and are spoiled rotten Brats, that can’t understand why no one with any scent can’t stand either one or them, they are like two brothers fighting over the same toy, how pathetic they are!

    • There is a big difference between the two. Trump wants everyone to go as far as their abilities will take them and get a share of the wealth pie. Biden wants the pie all to himself so he can shit himself to death. When you accuse a person of being a spoiled rotten brat, well, it takes one to know one, right, Denny?

  3. Mistakes? Not hardly. This is not Joe Biden running the show. He is just a facade and world entertainment or embarrasment depending on which side of the fence you stand on. The actions that are going down are the direct result of the Obama 3rd term as he tries to destroy the USA. Think back all the things he changed, the laws changing that facilitated Black Activist, Muslim, and Gay influences and placing all three at the front of the line. Now they are talking about Michele actually running for POTUS? We will be like the 1911 Titanic headed to the deep. You have to remember that EVERY POTUS who has left office has moved out of Washington DC so as not to create a shadow goverment or influence those who were loyal to him, EXCEPT BARRACK OBAMA. Why, because he could not trust Biden not to “f-ck up everything he had done”. Why do you thing the Democrats are fighting Trump so much, he was exposing them for what they were.


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