HUGE NEWS! Jeep CEO Shocking WARNING To All EV Car Makers!



My gas pickup truck is paid for is all that matters to me I don’t care about EV cars.

Pricing the middle class out of mobility is not a consequence, it’s a feature.


  1. No more electric cars !
    They are made mostly of petroleum byproducts anyway. The batteries are a disaster happening before our very eyes. It’s sad that intelligent people have been duped into to buying this junk

  2. Leave in to Mopar to tell the truth. Heard Ford stopped production on their EVs because they cost too much to make and no one can afford them. I’d like to take a 1969 Plymouth Hemi Roadrunner and do a burn out on stupid old senile poopypants Joe’s face.

  3. I don’t want an electric car. Salt destroys the batteries . The batteries catch on fire. The cars are expensive. No place to plug in. I feel like you’re sitting on a bomb in an accident. If you land in a river or lake, bingo or caught in a rain storm. If the key bob does not work no way to open car up. Should I go on? I don’t like them, don’t trust them. Oh and you can not hear them when they drive past if you are out walking, very very dangerous, almost got run over because I did not hear it.

    • Janet, your comments amuse me to no end. I have owned an electric car for 7 years. Maintenance for all those years has been less that $700 (including 4 new tires). No nasty emissions to breathe, no oil changes, no belts, no spark plugs, no catalytic converter to get stolen, no emissions tests, etc., etc. Less fire in electric cars per number produced than gas vehicles. If you are stupid enough to end up in a river or lake – you just drown regardless of what kind of vehicle you are in. I have been in many rainstorms (including monsoon rains) with no issues. if my key fob does not work, I pop out a key from within it and open the door the old fashioned way. Should I go on? Oh and by the way, all electrics are designed to make a noise as they go by you, so if you don’t hear it, get your hearing aids check, which run amazingly enough – on batteries!!

  4. EVs are DANGEROUS (a REALLY hot item – they catch on fire). They’re overly EXPENSIVE, don’t like to run well when it’s or cold outside, they’re NOT that economical Etc. They’re a MASSIVE Left Wing S C A M . why BUY one?!? My momma didn’t raise a FOOL.

  5. Jack Reynolds’ comment is a bit premature. I’ve been driving a 16 year old 220,000 miles gasoline powered SUV for the past 5 years that I bought for $600.00. I too have spent around $700.00 in maintenance for struts, clutch, and tires. Oil change once a year, no belts or spark plugs yet. I’ve taken long trips (>1000 miles) with this vehicle and can fill up for a 400 mile stretch in 5 minutes. It is unlikely Jack can even drive 400 miles on a full battery, especially in cold winter weather. Wait until he gets the bill for new batteries in the next few years.

    • Michael, my car is 10 years old now and at 80% battery life. I bought it when it was 3 years old off lease for $7k. I do not live in a cold climate, so cold weather does not affect me. I charge overnight, so time is never a factor. By the time my vehicle gets to the point where I need a new battery – it will be throwaway (sell to another buyer who wants to make that investment) as newer electric vehicles will be cheaper and more technologically advanced. At current pace, I will trade FAR sooner than the battery will degrade (probably 3-5 years down the line). The car is fast, fun, reliable and by far the cheapest car I have ever owned in over 45 yrs of driving. BTW, I just renewed my plate registration for $35 for 5 years!

      Do I think EV’s are the savior of the world – heck NO, but they have a place as an incredibly cheap alternative to an equivalent ICE vehicle (if you research and buy wisely). I have an ICE vehicle for long trips, but my EV runs at the equivalent of $1.79/gal with my electric cost and again – virtually NO maintenance costs. No brainer!

      It is unfortunate to me, that there are SO many people who drink the “EV’s are bad” kool-aid without doing all of the research that they should do to respond intelligently in this matter. Okay, with me – I laugh all the way to the bank with the money I save daily.

      BTW, I am not a Democrat or a liberal – I could care less if people don’t like EV’s because they are towing the Republican line. I am for freedom of choice (and wise thinking). EV’s should not be rammed down peoples throats as the Dems currently are, but it IS a great alternative for a certain class of driver in the right geographic areas.

  6. As a 25 year technician for a company that has developed EV’s in Michigan, it has been my experience that EV’s may be an o.k. summer vehicle for wealthy retirees who don’t drive, but the cold salty roads are hard on them. I find that excessive technology in a product that just needs to get you from point a to point b reliably becomes an expensive liability. My wife has a car with one of those stupid high tech keys where the spare she had made cost $125.00, mine was only $5.00. I make an effort to keep it simple and purchase only vehicles with a minimum amount of technology, manual transmission, 4 cylinders, standard brakes, manual windows, etc. I haven’t paid over $1500.00 for a car in the last 30 years and usually get 5-8 years out of them. I don’t laugh all the way to the bank for avoiding technological excess, but I am hopeful that I can retire in spite of Bidenomics and the Damage the Democrat party is doing to the economy. You are correct that EV’s work for some people. My decision was not based on Kool-Aid, just experience. Thank you for the discussion, it is refreshing without the profanity and hate.


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