JUST IN: Matt Gaetz Explodes At FBI’s Funding Request For A New Headquarters



So an agency that doesn’t really do “law enforcement” and doesn’t serve the true interests of the country, wants a new headquarters? This is appalling.

Why is Matt Gaetz the only one with cojones in congress? I wish we have more like him.


  1. We do not need a new HeadQuarters for the FBI. They dont do their Job anyway, they check on the American people more than they to criminals. Do we as Americans have a Money tree? Biden spends like we do. Lets just spend Bidens Money, then we will see who wants to spend more money. We already have so much porkbarrel money spending. Biden wants to give all the illegals our tax money , and Health plans, I think Biden should pay for it all.

  2. Do them like Buford Pusser did the judge in Walking Tall, put them in the toilet room so they have a better understanding of what the American people think of them

    • I was thinking a similar fate for the FBI. They want a new headquarters building? Fine. Build them a 2 seater outhouse, but use brown treated wood so that when they miss it won’t be noticed.

  3. If they want a new headquarters, I suggest they hold a bake sale. Only those citizens that might support this, would help fund it by buying cakes and cookies. GOOD LUCK!

  4. Take the urinal out of the women’s rooms and the K-Y and condoms machines out of the men’s rooms and the old building will be fixed.

  5. the fbi is as crooked as biden. maybe they are getting chinese money too . they do nothing but spy of Conservative Americans, and are like homeland security crooked, corrupt, time to disband them and fire all above a 1 st level supv.

  6. Instead of pocketing the money for repairs, the building can be repaired. Stop spending money we don’t have. The FBI isn’t going to get a new building. Repair the one you have.


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