Black Teenager Randomly Punching Strangers For Clout ARRESTED CHARGED For ASSAULT & ARMED ROBBERY!



It’s disgusting that they tried to spin this as a social media prank.

Yet people want to jump on Scott Adams for speaking the truth about The Black Community


  1. As long as the law is weak, this will continue and get worse. A black teen doing this, wow what a shocker.😲 Throw him in jail to do hardcore time or better yet deport him to Africa.

  2. The real problem here is that true justice won’t be done as usual. The only way to stop this type of violence is with an adult judicial system which we no longer have in most areas. Harsh punishment needs to be brought back and I don’t mean long sentences where taxpayers have to fit the bill. Do the same as you would with any rotten egg.

  3. Just once one would like to run into one of these fools and show them what a special set of skills is all about. Why aren’t these young bucks in the armed forces if their the bad azz’s they claim to be. Still say draft every person men and women. Serve 2 years 19 to 21. That would grow these idoits up some and help to make them better citizens. Would stop all this BS going on in collages and down in the hood. Give them some pride for once in their life’s and maybe make a difference by changing the way things stand for the better once they see what they have to lose. Just might make a difference, so why not give it a try. What do we got to lose ???

  4. Judge should have congratulated him for joining the military for mandatory 10yrs, room & board provided but forfeit his pay for restitution. He wants wbe a badass with a gun, then teach him to be a badass for his country and put his life at risk…

  5. Personally, I feel it’s way past time to make blacks understand that equality means just that! Do the RIGHT THING and go on living a decent life the same as White people. Do the WRONG THING and pay. JUST THE SAME AS WHITE PEOPLE DO! It’s now come to the point that blacks feel they can get away with anything. Too bad we do not have the EQUALITY they demanded. If a black wants a better life, he/she should try working at it and earning it, the same as the rest of us. Granted, there are exceptions. And to those exceptions who try to do right, I COMMEND YOU!

  6. If I shoot a black teen who wants clout with a sawed off shotgun, will that give me clout? Stupid ass punk doesn’t get it that there are people who carry concealed weapons regardless of what their state law says. If this idiot would’ve done this in a state that has stand your ground laws and there’s no requirement for a carrying a concealed weapon, this punk would be riding in the back of a hearse. Since he’ll do some jail time, put him on a chain gang, like the one in the movie Cool Hand Luke. At least he’ll learn how to do road construction.


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