15 Black Teens JUMP White Student UNALIVING Him at Las Vegas High School



These students are a perfect example of why stereotypes still exist.

We need to have a serious national conversation about black crime and violence.


  1. 6.5% of the American population commits 50% of all murders in this country. Black Americans account for 13% of the American population.

    The 6.5% are black Americans males

  2. These Woke Prosecuters In All These Woke Cities Are Responsibile Because They Give These Monsters A Slap On The Wrist For Major Crimes. We Need The Death Penalty Back !!!

  3. it’s not that Blacks are necessarily more violent, it’s that their culture has been ripped apart so that the kids don’t know left from right. Symptoms of this collapse are crime and rap.

    • You left out the worst symptom, the welfare system (started by dummycraps) which has torn apart the black family unit and forced low income blacks to rely on the dummycrap controlled government to survive. Crime and rap are spinoffs from the ones I mentioned.

      • “If you cannot take care of yourself, your government will take care of you”, LBJ 1965. Now we have Welfare systems for anything you can think of which exceeds the entire National Defense Budget. What do you think all these Illegal Alliens who came across the border are after, WELFARE! Dumocrats will give it to them for thier votes. Oh they are not citizens an voting is against the Constitution? Just wait Old Joe will give them citizenship in six months, right before the election.

  4. This happened in a big dummycrat run city high school?!!! NOOOOO!!! All these we’ve been told these no gun school zones are the safest places in the US for kids. Looks like the dummycrats are full of shit again.

  5. Who is the genius who used the term “unaliving” instead of “murdering” or “killing”? Is this some woke terminology to try to make a murder appear less than it is? Really?

  6. I wonder what it is going to take to put a end to this kind of behavior , because it is down right wrong and those students need to be sent to a farm and work , rather then a prison cell were they can become bigger criminals with what they learn in the prison system which is to become more violent then they were before, I want to know what all this violence is proving or solving? Well everyone will answer for themselves some day and God will judge everyone for there actions and a lot of people are headed to Hell were they will be Tormented for the rest of there life, it’s like they say what goes around comes back on you, or treat others as you want to be treated, you can think those saying are a joke but wer’ll see who’s laughing in the end, when God is done with you.


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