Guess What The Israel-Palestine War Is REALLY About!


You probably don’t know that off the coast of Gaza sits $453 billion in liquefied natural gas. But you probably CAN guess why many observers who do know about these LNG deposits are suggesting that Israel’s interest in driving the Palestinians out of the Gaza Strip may have more to do with money than religion or terrorism.

According to various sources, Gaza possesses substantial natural gas reserves under its territorial waters. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has estimated that these reserves amount to approximately 1.4 trillion cubic feet of gas. However, due to political disputes and regional instability, exploration in the area remains untapped.

The Jimmy Dore Show discusses this in the YouTube video below:


RT is more honest than BBC, CNN, DW, etc.

Isn’t it odd that geologists can find pockets of natural gas 350 feet below the ground without damaging infrastructure but Mossad can’t locate the Hamas tunnels without flattening hospitals?


  1. First of all, this is OLD news. They’ve known about the oil and gas for years and it YOU THINK that Hamas would be building up Gaza with the windfall, you must be on LSD. It would become nothing more than a cash cow to keep bombing Israel into oblivion.
    The other point of finding tunnels is quite another. The tunnels were built under houses and hospitals, and Israel KNEW THIS!!! They couldn’t just blow up those tunnels with civilians living on top. How idiotic, then the world would be calling out Israel for destroying the tunnels unprovoked. As it is, the Israelis tried to get the Palestinians out of the north once HAMAS started the war. And STILL Hamas is telling the Palestinians to go back up north and stand up as human shields because they know that the Israeli’s won’t knowingly blow up residences with people in them.
    Hamas hasn’t stopped using their people as shields throughout the war. Hamas was stopping them at gun point from exiting the north even after Israel warned them to leave. NO, this war is NOT ABOUT OIL AND GAS, REMIND YOURSELF WHO STARTED THE WAR, and it wasn’t Israel.


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