Col. Macgregor: Ukraine is COLLAPSING!



About tired of Zelenski controlling our US taxpaid funds.

The perpetrators that hide behind closed doors while robbing the American tax payers need to be held accountable.


  1. Does this mean stupid old senile poopypants Joe will lose his cash cow? The Biden family is the real war criminals in this conflict and all of them should be sent to the gas chamber.

  2. Transparency is sorely needed, but totally lacking in our present administration. White House resident Joe Biden has absolutely failed, in every metric of the presidency. He also has done nothing but lie to the American people…about everything. He inherited a prosperous & strong America from Donald Trump; & on day one, began overturning all of Trump’s successful policies. Biden & his corrupt minions are systematically destroying America. His weakness emboldened Putin to invade Ukraine, China to threaten Taiwan, Iran to invade Israel (through it’s proxies) & North Korea to ramp up it’s nefarious policies. Biden has also wasted untold billions of our taxpayer money. I could go on, but hopefully you get the big picture. If you don’t believe me, then wake up & do some real research. Biden has also given billions to countries hostile to America.

  3. I find it hard to believe you could believe your own statements except
    they are only that ; NO FACTS to back them up. At least INFLATION figures last week are better than Trump’s. But wait just a few decades & see what history says. Trump will be the WORST President our Republic has EVER seen – – – despite blind partisan opinion & hopes. I am sure 200million American voters are not dumb enough to re-elect a vain egotistical insurrectionist fascist felon to lead our Democracy again.
    I repeat, “See what history says about Trump in future decades”. One of us will be gravely wrong.

  4. When it comes to Ukraine the Colonel is spouting a lot of leftist fake news propaganda. Being raised in the 1950’s and 60’s, a time when a handshake was still a man’s bond and countries were judged by their history of living up to its treaties I am sick of American leadership that neglects our treaties with officials that manipulate war ti line their pockets. At the end if the cold war and break up of the USSR, Ukraine exercised its sovereignty. Ukraine was left with atomic bombs and misses to deliver them. In an effort to stem nuclear proliferation a deal treaty was made between Russia and Ukraine in which Ukrain would return all nuclear armaments back to Russia and Russia agreed never to wage war against Ukraine. The UN, UK and the United States signed the treaty AS GUARANTORS OF THE TREATY. So even though Obama ignored the fact 15 years ago that America had a legal and moral obligation to help repel Russia from Ukraine during Russia’s first invasion he disgraced America by doing nothing. Strengthened by our lack of action and that of the UK and UN, Stalin, excuse me Putin felt he could get away with it again 2 years ago. In defense of his country Zolinsky asked for help from the treaty’s Guarantors as well as free countries around the world. He didn’t ask for troops, but for the military tools to save his country. He did not ask for American blood to be shed in Ukraine, but for equipment and munitions. This war could have ended months ago if Biden and the UK and UN had sent tanks, guided bombs and missils, jet fighters and other modern equipment to Ukraine in the beginning. Instead Biden and the rest slowly dolled out what was needed sooner and still have not sent the Jets requested and needed. This along with lack of any support when Russia first invaded Ukraine has cost hundreds of thousands of lives and the devastation of many towns and cities. Also, in the case of America, I anm confident that it has lined the pockets of officials in the USA and other countries! Russia would would most likely have backed off 15 years ago had the Guarantors stood behind Ukraine then and the current war would bever have been started. Thanks to Obama, Biden and the rest of the leftist Democrats for their shaming of America and leaving the rest of the world to doubt that our word is of any real value.


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