Judge rules Trump has ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY from criminal charges!!!



The more the establishment goes after Trump, more of his popularity and influence will go up.

The Biden administration has extremely poor judgment when it comes to political optics


  1. The left, both Demonrats and RINOs, is nothing more than a criminal organization trying desperately to keep Trump out because they KNOW if he gets back in they will be on the chopping block which is all they deserve. I say remove them all and confiscate their wealth to pay down the debt they’ve stuck on taxpayers.

  2. Why do you continue to prey on simpletons with your inconclusive stories and incomplete facts? You should be concerned with protecting the constitution otherwise all we have is chaos. And chaos is the only place trump thrives.

    • You mean the chaos Democrats make, like 157 BLM/ANTIFA riots, 87 genders and their Spey and Neuter program for school kids? You mean like stealing elections and covering it up? Do you include two fake impeachments, a dramatic and unconstitutional raid on a former President? Like Democrats jailing innocent Americans over fake charges? You mean like all the hate propaganda they spew and the constant twisting and omitting of facts? That chaos??????

      • And all the things you left out. Remember where the Democrats started, in the deep South and its members were also members of the KKK and hung, burned alive, and raped people that did not agree with their wishes. Nothing has changed. I do believe it was the Republicans who freed the slaves, and gave them refuge in the north. Why does the Black population continue to vote for them, for the promise of a little tid bit that they might deliver on or not. Democrats actually put the blacks back into slavery again in 1965, with the supposed but wrongly named Civil Rights Act, which was really a Social Slavery Act dependent on the hand outs of Government. Even Johnson said that “If you cannot take care of yourself, your goverment will take care of you”. That took all the encentative to try harder and succeed when you can just sit back and retire at the age of 12. Johnson also said at the conclusion of his signing of the Civil Rights Act, “That will keep the N—- voting Democratic for the next 500 years.” Ignorance has proven him right so far.

      • I couldn’t agree more it’s disgusting liberals believe the lying media and don’t do their own research for the truth. It’s pathetic to be such a sheep brainwashed but all the lies. Think for yourself if you know how but obviously you dont.

    • 2017 Jan inauguration day leftist losers and the corrupt politcal left protested Trumps inauguration an continued the Chaos. Retribution is coming 4 the Demon-rats, Rino-rats & the deepstate scumbags as well those who have supported the criminal left.

  3. Luke, you are absolutely right! I subscribed to this source to be aware of “conservative” point of view…but this site is totally fictitious..and I doubt that most readers know that. …SAD

  4. Luke——Do you have a brain? You and Joan probably voted for Biden and Obama. The Marxist Democrats have violated every aspect of the Constitution, you both should read it sometime, if you can.

    A mind is terrible thing to waste.

    Enjoy the voter landslide coming Nov. 2024——–MAGA 2024

  5. Biden is still the DEMNS pick for 2024 means Biden will be reelected for 4 more years which means Cackles will be your President for at least 2 of those years .. only thing that can keep that from happening is Congress quit with these endless investigations and put someone in jail ..

  6. Take down the Democratic Communist Party and save our Republic from their destruction of our Democracy They are the threat to our country not the farce global warming

  7. This whole hate mongering started and was pushed by and during the Nancy Pelosi SOTH period. She even spewed hate when she was evicted from the SOTH office, thought she deserved it for her years of graft and corruption as SOTH. I think she should be investiaged for insider trading and in crease in her wealth by $330,000,000.00+ over her terms in the house. No govement employee makes that much money and her husbands stock trading successes included not losing a dime on the markets plus out performing all professional Wall Street Houses by many times, even Warren Buffett!

  8. This ruling, made last July 31, applies only to a civil case when a president is acting in an official capacity. In this case, the judge ruled that the president was speaking at the time about a matter of public concern which was part of his official duties.
    It does not apply to a criminal act, nor does it apply to any statements or actions made by a president outside the immediate scope of his presidential duties.
    In fact, the ruling says “immunity from liability in a civil matter does not bar impeachment and criminal prosecution as other possible sanctions.”
    In addition, a state court ruling in Pennsylvania would not be binding to other states or to federal courts.
    This audio is very misleading.

  9. It’s sad the far left is so desperate to fix the up and coming elections. Getting rid of trump won’t fix a dang thing. We all see the corruption of the far left Communist democrats and how far their willing to go to achieve their goal. The right question to ask is … why … and how willing are yall to live in the swamp of corruption caused by their greed. Why are our laws only used on Trump and not the real criminals like Hillary and Obama. The bidens are a sad lot on their own. Not to forget all the other dirty democrats like Pelosi and waters and the other snakes in our corrupt government swamp. Trump is not the problem, he stands in their way of getting to you, weather you know it or not, or if you even care.


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