Peter Doocy STRIKES AGAIN!!!


Peter Doocy Confronts White House Press Secretary Over American’s Perception of Economic Recovery.

Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy, in a recent confrontation with White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, questioned the Biden administration’s stance on the perceived economic recovery. Doocy specifically referred to an article that claimed Americans are not convinced that the economy is improving, citing a growing disconnect between the administration’s rhetoric and the reality faced by many American households.

During the confrontational exchange, Peter Doocy queried Jean-Pierre about the White House’s position on the impact of Bidenomics — or President Joe Biden’s economic policies — on the average American. In particular, he cited an article published in The Wall Street Journal which suggested that a significant portion of Americans do not believe their financial situations are improving despite claims from the government.

Liberal Hivemind discusses this in the youtube video below:


Vote for the man who gave up his fortune for his country, not the one who gave up his country for his family’s fortune. Trump 2024 MAGA

liberal defense mechanism: 1. blame Trump 2. blame Trump 3. blame Trump


  1. Srs.on Low Income, of which I am one, are finding now having to use portions of their SS just to buy groceries because everything is so high that their food cards run out to fast. This government is using tax payers money and using it to go towards illegals, so they can get all the government benefits that we get and never put a penny into it. Between high prices with groceries and utilities Srs. on SS and food benefits dollats run out before the month is over. Of course we can’t forget rent cost go up also. They give us a COLA incease every yr. but the rete of inflation always exceeds that and people will not be able to get ahead. It’s like you never got the increase in the first place.

  2. Only a FOOL would think anything this woman or whatever it is knows how to speak the TRUTH.
    This so-called ELECTED ADMINISTRATION are trying to kill AMERICA!!

  3. Mary that is called inflation when the government down grades our money. It started back in 1932 when 1 ounce of gold (a double eagle coin, $20) was recalled and two years later gold reached a price of $34.oz. Basically government down graded our $ by 50% so it could buy less. Then were were on the Silver Standard where a silver dollar, remember them, was an ounce of silver. Then came along 1959 and we were taken off the Silver Standard and given a Federal Reserve note which was backed by a promise by the Goverment and Banks. How much do you trust either? Now inflation goes up when Government spends more money than it has so it borrows it from us in the form of debt. When we print worthless paper and call it money and give it away it is worth less and and less. So inflation soars. Yes, your aid goes down in value, SS was removed from a very solvent fund by Congress and put into the general fund so they could use it. That IS OUR money taken from us as a tax. Congress basically stole it and is leaving worthless IOU’s behind. Now its almost broke and they want to give these milliions of Illegal Aliens who are also being given free travel, Lodging, food, medical, and spending money, our social security money. Those in charge of this need to be removed from office. I am sure that this would not be going on if all of our Congress has the same Social Security as we did instead of their plush retirement system with benefits. Mary, we need to put the people on the sidewalk that are raping this nation and sending it into financial and moral caious.


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