Queers for Palestine! – TikTok Indoctrination


TikTok Indoctrination: The Rising Influence of Social Media on Youth Opinion and Behavior.

In recent years, social media platforms have become increasingly influential in shaping the way people think, behave, and form opinions. Among these platforms, TikTok has emerged as a powerhouse that captures global attention, particularly among younger users. This phenomenon raises concerns about the potential for indoctrination – the process of influencing or teaching someone to accept a particular doctrine, ideology, or point of view uncritically. This article will explore the mechanisms of TikTok indoctrination and its potential impact on youth opinion and behavior.

JP Reacts discusses this in the video below:


I used to think it was ignorance, but it’s actually stupidity.
God save us from this new generation.

Queer used to be the staple humorous word of a particular generation of British comedians, back when it meant “homosexual” as well as “unwell” or “poorly”. See if you can find a sitcom called “Are You Being Served?” — one obviously-homosexual character frequently delivers lines such as “I’m feeling a little queer this afternoon”, to general hilarity among the studio audience. Simpler times …


    • This only confirms that the Gay Culture is not firing on all cyclinders. Why on earth would you support any city, state, country, or area that openly says it will hunt you down and barbarically kill you if you are “queer?” Anyone who supports that, be they straight or gay, has something wrong between thier ears. I am not gay, and about as straight as an arrow, and I surely don’t support the gay activities but I have learned to just stay away from what I don’t like and let by gones be by gones. Besides, like some wife (or husbands) you can’t go around killing them all the time. The mideast is very intolleranct of anything so I would not recommend to anyone that leans that way to evr go there unless their a good actor and can keep themselves in check at all times. But then again, that goes for any internatinal travelers in any nation, blend in and behave. But supporing people that want to kill you, that is a head scratcher.

  1. Then all the queers should go to Palesti e and see hiw they get treated……maybe they’ll throw you a rooftop party???? FYI…….MUSLIMS HATE GAYS……..YOUR ASS WILL BE THROWN OFF A ROOFTOP! STUPOD IS AS STUPID DOES! ITS NO WONDER THAT DEMOCRATS ARE SO APPEALING……..THEY DONT CARE ABOUT ANYONE ELSE BUT THEMSELVES.

  2. Wow … are these idoits really this stupid ??? Queers for palestines lol they would kill them on sight. Yet they think this is a good thing. Face it their only here crying for the palestines cause now all the idoits have a common enemy and yall leaving them queers alone. They know if they go over there, their dead. Palestines hate queers more then here in the usa. If only they were smart enough to get behind a real reason here at home , things would go alot better for them. Specially if they got behind all this queer crap with schools and trying to turn kids into drag Queens and the other sex.but i stead they pick a group that would kill them on sight . Go figure

  3. It’s the ol’, “The enemy of any oppressor is my friend” and should be supported! However, it’s been my experience that most of the ‘oppressed’ bring it upon themselves by their own actions and attitudes…

  4. Solution: send them TO Palestine/Hamas to directly give them a helping hand. It’s so stupid for them to help Hamas when most middle east countries want them eradicated by Israel BECAUSE of their savagery. after a few are thrown off rooftops they might get the message too.

    • Roof top departures happen every day in the Arab or Middle East areas and are just not reported to the western world. Some parts of this world do not have the same values, customs, and concerns that Americans do and will act other than we do. So let that be a warning no matter where you travel outside the USA, don’t stand out, don’t misbehave, just enjoy and blend in.

  5. Academia has been the driving force in indoctrination and brainwashing the youth. They have instilled them to hate conservative thinking, the Republican Party, free enterprise, capitalism, law and order and to blame America for all worldly issues.
    Along the way they have taught them to embrace lgbtq and people of color and too accept bad behavior and to blame our society.
    Just look at how the school boards have been infiltrated with liberal, blame America snowflakes and they’re all democrats or independents!

  6. Since these queer people want to be for Palestine then get yourselves on a plane and go there, see what happens to you once you are on their soil. I guarantee you queers won’t make it back to this country. Hamas will torture you immensely, raping then behead you, cutting you up into pieces. They are beyond brutal and find enjoyment in doing this to people. They don’t have any remorse in killing babies so why would they be remorseful in doing young adults or elderly. If they didn’t have food they would probably turn to cannibalism.


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