“F*ck You!” – Longtime Dem Voter To Democrats



I was a Democrat for over 50 years. I left the Democratic Party the day Bernie endorsed Hillary in 2016. Though Republicans are not a bit better, I hate Democrats more.

Never vote for any politician that treats the public as if they’re the enemy…


  1. kudos for you but I must say the Republicans are much much better. Yeah we have those RINOS but we are taking action to remove them. Democrats just double down on their illegal unconstitutional policies and their only dream is to steal from you and to control you! Sorry the Republicans believe in America first not last like the democrats do. Geeze I can go on and on how much better the Republicans are so much better than a damn democrat in a NY/LA minute.

  2. The democrats love the illegals and will kiss their asses, giving them a free pass to OUR country! Our citizens are being thrown out of places so these illegals can move in. This is a total disgrace! All these illegals need to be deported immediately! There are immigrants waiting to come in our country the LEGAL way but they are being denied because these scumbags are plowing through not going through legal process. This is a disgrace! The news interviewed a guy in his twenties and he said the USA should pay for him to be here. F-you son of a bitch, we don’t need you here to get freebies! Go back to the hole you came out of. Bastard!

  3. I prefer creating an economy that creates jobs and not policies that allow more people to end up on assistance programs and their quality of life continues to go down.

  4. The dummycrat party left their working man voter based decades ago. That group of voters is finally waking up to the fraudulent lying dummycrats. The freaks will always vote dummycrat and now that’s the main dummycrat voter base.


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