Black People GO OFF On WOKE White Liberals Thinking They Are TOO DUMB To Get An ID And VOTE!



Malcolm X was spot on about white liberals. 100%.

The resistance to voter ID is the most absurd BS I’ve ever heard. In Canada photo ID is required to vote because there are millions of legal non citizen residents in this country who are prohibited from voting by law and election integrity matters.


  1. I have moved several times in my life and don’t remember ever being charged for a voter ID. Where do these people live that they get charged for a voter ID? I was also very entertained by the three woke morons that were being interviewed. They all talked like they were experts on racism but not one of them knew what to hell they were talking about.

  2. Best to ask the far left democrats about that one. Their the ones crying yall can’t get out to vote cause of needing id’s. Even tho yall used the same ID to get that china virus vaccine, as to vote , drive , buy cigarettes or to buy liquor like the rest of us do. Funny tho how whites always cry about what blacks need but never give a Honest answer to anything asked. All talk when they need the lie for the cause. But never a solution to the question. That’s the true democrat way. What say you ???

  3. The Irony of it all is that those Young White People featured shamefully exhibited their IGNORANCE as they STUPIDLY repeat robotically the LEFT WING Propaganda and Talking Points about black people being poor and less educated (which makes no sense nor is it based in reality) to be able to get a voter ID. THEY ARE THE USEFUL IDIOTS!

  4. College clearly has failed them. Ask Kamala Harris she agreed with them in her interview on TV. Anyone who needs assistance has to have some kind of ID to get benefits, social security, medical, food stamps, etc. I wish your person would have asked this kind of question as a follow up to these brain washed fools.


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