Trump hearing takes ‘stunning’ turn to assassination questioning



Shoutout to Fox News for actually keeping comment sections open for engagement and discourse unlike some networks.

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. ~John Adams


    • Oh hell yeah. Roberts is a Lolita Express frequent flyer, and I’ve heard his daughters’ “adoptions” were facilitated by Epstein. He also was the Justice who approved the FISA warrants to target Trump.

      • How did we get here? How can a sitting President weaponize all branches of government to go after his political “WINNING” rival?I can’t wrap my head around that. This is 3rd world country antics. How for the love of God are we going to get our country back?
        We must all PRAY, PRAY,PRAY. This is going to take a miracle.
        The level of corruption is unfathomable, If we can’t even rely on our justices! Disgusting!

    • There probably conspiring a way to oust Clerance Thomas. They have tried all kinds of other ways so far and he won’t budge. Just because the present government wants to pack the supreme court doesn’t mean it will happen.

  1. It is likely some of them are. First look to see if they are democrats. Then look to see if they got through with very little fight from the Republicans. Lets see, 4 Democrats and John Roberts who got through without much of a fight? Maybe they can be convinced that the right decision may not be “right” for the people.

    • The thing is They are trying to write their own constitution. The states can’t do what they’re doing. And it will be up to the Supreme court to decide the matter. You can’t take the a nominee off the ballots just because he is winning the poles in the country against your nominee it is unethical. They can’t say he isn’t qualified under amendment 14 either since he was never charged or convicted of the charge of insurrection. And they say they don’t cheat to get there way. They say it goes against Democracy. Since this country has never been a democracy how can it go against it. Until Obama was elected it has been a Republic of States in America. The 4 years Trump was in office it was a republic of states like it has been for 200 plus years. The only time it is a Democracy is when a Democrat holds office.

  2. Agree with all above comments. The 14th Amendment section 3 states “officers of the government who engage in insurrection cannot run for a govt office”. POTUS is not considered an “Officer” and democrats are trying to change law like they did with Obamacare via through John Roberts. Roberts himself said the same.

    Plus only the POTUS can declare an Insurrection and since Biden wasn’t president on Jan.6th, he cannot declare it. Only Trump can declare an Insurrection and he did not declare an insurrection against himself.

    This whole thing is kabuki theater and Jack Smith & democrats know it.

  3. They’ve been caught at their dirty schemes, and think the American people are too stupid to figure it out. Well , we see through all of their plans.

  4. The Democrats crush anyone or anything that gets into their way. To them the end justifies the means taken. Law, Constitution and truth never enter into their plans. They pass out your tax dollars to their charitable organizations, who turn around and pay it back to the Democrats as political donations. They buy votes with your tax dollars trough their ever growing welfare system. Pass out your tax dollars to foreign banana republics with the understanding they get a percentage of it back under the table. (Thank 10 percent to the big guy). They run out and vote in the other parties candidate selection process to wreck their election system. This list could go on forever as absolutely every avenue available is used by these people to corrupt our government. The greed, corruption, cheating and desire for complete power of these people know no limits. They will kill in mass to wield this power.

  5. The odds are stacked against any individual when the government wants to destroy that individual. The individual has to fund his costs to defend himself and the defense is limited by the contents of his assets. No money can result in no meaningful defense. On the other hand, the government will use every asset it has to bring the individual down. Money is no object. Presumably, Trump has financial assets and can afford a decent legal team. But the government can create a dog and pony show and drain assets out of Trump like poop passing through a goose.

  6. The dirty shame of all of this is not just Fox, but all MSM have people working for them that have committed crimes, or rape, even the women who were raped but didn’t tell. They all have secrets. I will bet that all of the MSM people including Fox have been investigated up to this point in time. I bet the Jag officers are going to arrest most of them in the very near future. One of the biggest crimes is the blatant lies all of them have said and we all heard them at one time or another. All of the Democrats, Rino’s, MSM and the Deep State are trying to convict trump for anything they can, even if he breathes in the wrong direction. They all know they are guilty. When Trump comes back, he will tell all of us all of their crimes. This includes the prosecutors and Judges, too. I want to be right there when they get hanged! I have had enough of this evil flowing through all the arteries of America and the other countries. I do not feel sorry for any of them!


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