Sanctuary City Denver Overwhelmed With Migrants After Welcoming Them To Come.



I am in Denver. We had a great republican candidate running for mayor. I tried to talk everyone into voting for him. No one would listen. Now I have immigrants roaming the streets and legitimately trashing my neighborhood. And I am in the suburbs. Nowhere close to downtown. It’s wild. I’m in a diverse, working class part of town. They put them in hotels here. But they kept them out of the wealthy white liberal neighborhoods that voted for this.

“A massive strain on the city’s resources.” Who knew?
“Denver had sheltered more than 6000 migrants.” Is that all? Gov. Abbott probably shaking his head.
“People that are teachers, police officers, and engineers” (of 37,000 migrants). I have doubts.


  1. Don’t you just live it when they get what they asked for, then cry about it. Now it’s a problem and they cry for help. Or blame trump for their f#@k ups. It’s the same old story, ever since the world began. The moral of this story is … be careful what you ask for, you just might get it … dumb azz’s

  2. Wisdom cries from without; she utters her voice in the streets. She cries in the chief place of the concourse; in the openings of the gates. In the city, she utters her words, saying, “How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? and will the scorners delight in their scorning? and will fools hate knowledge? Turn to my reproof. Behold, I will pour out my reproof unto you. I will make known my words unto you. Because I have called, but you refused; though I have stretched out my hand, but no man regards. But you have set at nought all my counsel and would have none of my reproof. I also will LAUGH at your calamity. I will MOCK when your fear comes….” (Proverbs 1:20-26)

  3. Send them all to that DUMBASS governors mansion. Something has to be very MENTALLY wrong for anyone to vote for any of this. TOTALLY CROOKED

  4. Immigrants DON’T MAKE OUR COUNTRY GREAT! Your tearing it down and bringing more crime behind you! You think everything should be handed to you free! YOU ALL ARE SELFWORTHLESS!

  5. “Sanctuary cities, counties, states should be against Federal Law when what that word means is come one come all if you want to be in our country illegally!!! Only ninny hammers would be so short sighted they couldn’t imagine the results of their “do goodisms”! To so blatantly lay the “problems” on the middle class? so the elites can continue to vote their “conscience” as long it’s “not in their neighborhood”!! Get these people out of office.

  6. You got what they wanted to do invade your town all age fighting men I presume. When they become the voting majority welcome Sharia Law and you democrats voted for it the USA will be no longer so hug your family a little tighter

  7. Why aren’t people following the law of the land? I am 2nd generation American and my people came in the correct way and did everything they were supposed to. They were not on welfare, nor did they get Medi-cal (CA). You Sanctuary people asked for this so quit complaining and suck it up. CA has had this problem forever and it’s always someone else’s fault – like Trump who hasn’t been in office for a few years and put in place the stay in Mexico order. Isn’t seeking asylum applying for the first country you go through? Not just the US.


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