Trans Swimmer Lia Thomas Secret Lawsuit To Overturn Olympic Ban.



– Man transitions to be a woman to beat women in their sports
– Said Trans Woman is barred from competing in womens sports
– Trans category sports are offered to appease trans athletes
– Trans athletes deny competing in trans sports categories
– Trans athletes continue to appeal that they should be allowed into their transitioned sexes sport without question.

They tried to be inclusive and create their own category to even the playing field, but men didn’t wanna end up against other men…. Again…

How can they justify allowing men to compete in women’s sports and then turn around and strip other athletes of medals because of suspected steroid use???


  1. …listening to these news people refer to Thomas as a she…is nauseating. I would fire everyone of those people who ordered that language, as well as everyone who caved to the order to refer them Thomas as a she…

  2. HANG the fucking FAGGOT
    And do it on LIVE TELEVISION for all the other FAGGOTS PEDOPHILES FREAKS AND WEIRDOS to see !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Still a he. Physiologically speaking. The only fair way to compete is to group all the men who identify as women into their own group. All women who identify as men into their own group. Then the women who id as women and men who id as men into their respective groups. Using the reasoning of identifying as something you are not, everyone could be a millionaire.

  4. There were plenty of athletes in my sport on a national and world level and I myself am a gay man! IF you wanted to be the best you practiced, got the best coaches, and worked your a– off!

    This is utter BS that this is going on! It is clearly a means of fraud and cheating! There is a vast difference between male and female athletes. You could even see it in competition levels of the men and women.

    This is a pure woke and pressure from the LGBTQ movement. There are plenty of successful gay and lesbian athletes in their own realm. DO NOT give in to this mental issue. We in the culture, know what we are and since they have added on alll these other stupid letters that can’t even handle life or their lives. These trannies are making a fool of the rest of the culture that have proven themselves in their own genders through hardwork, training, and working toward their goals not fraud! If you can’t make it in your own gender than fulind another sport and stip taking opportunities to other athletes who are born with their true gengers.
    Trans and other absudities like genfer fluid, or now these fruitloops calling themselves animals and people will never get the support of this former national and world level as a gay man competing as a man! These others need to be in mental institutions.


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