Defense Secretary REFUSES to Restore 8,600 Service Members He Vax-Mandated Out of Military!



Matt, Jim, and the others trying to stop this targeting program are the true patriots!

Austin should be fired


  1. Dear “Ms. Austen” , If I encountered you on the street , and you were in full cardiac arrest, would you hope that I could resuscitate you? I am certified to assist and resuscitate , and I make the assessment that you are dying , I must ask, “are you worth it? Are you WORTHY of my help?” . The answer would be , No , and Thank you NO again. You are a contemptible racist BOY, with no common sense, and you can’t follow the rules set for YOUR office because you are a contemptible prissy little petulant child in dire need of a spanking. SHAME ON YOU! TRAITOR!

  2. Mr. Gaetz has made his point, Austin bring back these veterans and resign you absolute hypocrite liberal above the law disgusting embarrassment to the men and women who serve honorably in our armed services! I’m a honorably discharged disabled veteran who will spit on your grave when the devil takes you home!

  3. Get rid of Austin and replace him with the outstanding brave men and women who were forced out. My husband and I are 75 years old, never took a covid shot, did not wear a mask unless forced to at the doctor’s office and VA clinic. We both had covid, took ivermectin, got over it in 2 days and felt fine. This is a pile of propaganda from Fauci, and Austin in in this whole thing with him. That’s our crooked government. Controlling people is their job! We better wake up SOON.

  4. It is so sickening how Austin can sit there with no facial expression cold as ice and blatantly say he will not reverse his decision to bring back the service members he fired for not getting this F-in vaccine. What an ugly son of a bitch! Austin and Fauci will burn in hell for eternity. And I will go one step further, I hope Austin suffers until he takes his last breath.

  5. This country is in trouble because of the Government and foolish people allow the worthless government to rule our lives and they get paid to do it. We never had all these fools in the past and we don’t need them now, get rid of them all because the don’t care about the American people they are worthless money Hungary disgraces to this country.

  6. Because he’s mr Liberal bigshot he will get away with this and the men snd women who make the US military great will have lost money, benefits and in some cases careers and that’s OK with him. Because “they” are on the wrong side of the politics. Even tho some of them are still alive because they declined their/his tyrannical mandate. And he was there during that horrible debacle in Afghanistan as well. No doubt, if possible, he’ll be promoted for error, dereliction of duty and uncaring attitude toward his troops!!

  7. There are times I would want to punch out Matt
    Gates, but in this case, I would lift him on my shoulders. This
    Secretary of Defense is a disgrace! The personnel who were discharged had their careers ruined, and when the dust settled, and the power of mass vaccinations was for COVID was a big mistake where the military is concerned, his decision to NOT restore their active duty status with back benefits and pay, shows you how disconnected he is with the uniformed services. As a retiree, I have received the vaccine and three boosters and have not been sick. However, in my senior living community, we have many residents who have received the same, and yet still contracted COVID. Granted we are seniors, but otherwise yo9unger soldiers were kicked out. You can get a transgender change, but get terminated for refusing a vaccine that could endanger your life???? Time to step down, Mr. Secretary.

  8. I think we should take this issue to the Supreme Court. Hopefully, they are unbiased and willing to stand up for what is right. If they can’t reinstate these military personnel, then there is no hope for this country as the highest court in the land is compromised.

  9. Anyone else see the pattern here, all are democrats and black that are screwing up things in out government. Guess the money’s that good for following their white masters plans. Saw a governors daughter was busted at the air port trying to carry a gun on board and moms one of the black gun grabbers for the far left Communist democrats. Go figure !!! Just look at all who are trying to stop Trump are all blacks hired by the democrats who are running the country under bidens name. Guess who walks free after all the BS hits the fan. Not all the corrupt blacks hired, but the corrupt white masters who hide in the far left Communist democrat party. One would think blacks would catch on by now. The only reasons the white masters give any kind of power, specially to blacks. is for their gain. You best belive that one. Cause it’s the truth. Face it the democrats never cared about blacks, just your votes. Stop being their smucks

  10. It pretty evident from all of the previous responses that NON of you were in the military. I’m sorry to tell you, but the military must follow orders. Just stop and think for a minute….if he was to let these folks back in with back pay, etc, what is that telling the current military, who followed orders? It’s telling them that in the future, if you don’t agree then you can just refuse to do it, get kicked out, and then come back in with back pay. WE, can never defend our country like that. I’m sure back during the draft, most of those men didn’t agree with coming in either. But, they did as they were taught growing up…you do what you have to do. Please do me a favor…don’t any of you try to get into the military. They do not need people like you.

  11. Lloyd austin ? may His child get drafted when “Cotton eyed joe” gets us into a war,…. especially a daughter if he has one,…. my children have done their service, and are no longer eligible, my eldest great grand daughter is on her second year at the border as a Texas guardsman,
    and so is precluded from being redeployed, but may austins children be called, and deployed And may Congress authorize upgrading discharges,
    To full honorable so these soldiers sailors Airmen and Marines can claim their benefits, especially now that the fact has become common knowledge, that the vacine was a scam as was masking and even Covid, itself


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