CNBC Anchor DEMOLISHES Pete Buttigieg WITH FACTS After He BLAMES TRUMP For Biden’s Border Crisis!



I’m going to go VOTE 4 TRUMP IN CA PRIMARY!!

We do not need to give Ukraine 61 Billion dollars to secure our borders. Vote all democrats out.


  1. You people in your various positions as Dept heads continue to blame
    Trump for all your short comings and failures!! Never taking
    responsibility for your actions or inactions. You took on the job but
    because you can’t handle it and to save face it’s all Trump’s fault.
    He has been gone for 3 years!! Maybe you should have contracted him
    as an advisor?? As a rule if one has a job with responsibilites and
    does not perform, blaming someone else for your failures will only
    last for so long before your history. But in Gov’t it seems you get a
    pass if you can blame Trump for it!!! Grow up people and do what
    your being paid to do…quit passing the buck!! Do what Truman
    said…the buck stops here!!! Or…….just resign…simple !!!!!
    Enough already…can’t handle it get out of the way your backing up
    traffic……get it ???

  2. HEAVEN — The Hebrew sha·maʹyim (always in the plural), which is rendered “heaven(s),” seems to have the basic sense of that which is high or lofty. (Ps 103:11; Pr 25:3; Isa 55:9) The etymology of the Greek word for heaven (ou·ra·nosʹ) is uncertain.
    Physical Heavens. The full scope of the physical heavens is embraced by the original-language term. The context usually provides sufficient information to determine which area of the physical heavens is meant. The ‘physical’ heavens are far different from the ‘spiritual’ heavens Where Almighty
    Jehovah God and all of the spiritual beings (demons and angels plus?) reside.
    Heavens of earth’s atmosphere. “The heaven(s)” may apply to the full range of earth’s atmosphere in which dew and frost form (Ge 27:28; Job 38:29), the birds fly (De 4:17; Pr 30:19; Mt 6:26), the winds blow (Ps 78:26), lightning flashes (Lu 17:24), and the clouds float and drop their rain, snow, or hailstones (Jos 10:11; 1Ki 18:45; Isa 55:10; Ac 14:17). “The sky” is sometimes meant, that is, the apparent or visual dome or vault arching over the earth.—Mt 16:1-3; Ac 1:10, 11.
    This atmospheric region corresponds generally to the “expanse [Heb., ra·qiʹaʽ]” formed during the second creative period, described at Genesis 1:6-8. It is evidently to this ‘heaven’ that Genesis 2:4; Exodus 20:11; 31:17 refer in speaking of the creation of “the heavens and the earth.
    — The full explanation of ‘heaven’ is 7 pages long. If you would like to receive all of that information, please email me and ask. Also, I can answer any question about the Bible by using the Bible to do so. Any help or explanations I can provide is always free.
    Here is a Bible verse you need to know; AV King James Bible; Psalms 83:18 that men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth. — Please make no mistake about this; Jehovah IS Almighty God’s Holy Name. His Name is in the original Scriptures more than 7,000 times, but only 4 times in the King James Bible. Why? If you want to know why, please ask. If you would like to study the Bible, I can direct you to a guided online Bible study course which is free. Please email me at [email protected] and request the connection.

  3. I am so sick of the Dems blaming the Republicans for problems they created. Yes, there are stupid people in this country that will believe that nonsense. But this country is finally waking up to the destruction that Biden has caused.

  4. The elections cycle has started, every democrat is lying their a$$e$ off. Joey has been President now for nearly 4 years, and what he has done is not Trumps fault, if you believe them then please do the rest of the country a favor, in November on election day stay at home and keep sucking your thumbs. Pete Buttplug is another example of what the dems call a rising star but he is nothing more than the stench that makes DC smell right now

  5. PETER BUTTPLUG,is not the only ne in the Biden administration that is a half a bubble off, it seems as though his whole administration is that way.

  6. VOTE: No moe Sleepy Joe in twenty-twenty foe. We’re not the “World Police” or the “American Flop House”! Let’s focus and fix up our own country, keep it clean and watch our backs. All eyes are on us now.

  7. This dolt is just another sociopathic commie who won’t take responsibility for their actions. It’s always someone else’s fault.


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