Trump Appeal TRIGGERS Letitia James as she TRHOWS a Tantrum



How did she become a multi-millionaire on a government salary

She should be fired. Her viciousness toward Trump is completely unacceptable.


  1. Until our legislative leaders grow a pair and start impeaching these Leftist activist judges, it will only get worse. We have a government that was founded on 3 co-equal branches of government with checks and balances between them. However, where is the check on the power of the Judiciary, as our Founders/Framers envisioned? There isn’t any, and if we ever lose the Supreme Court, we’ll have no legal recourse against these tyrants. There is a reason guys like Soros spend millions on the campaigns of these Leftist judges and prosecutors, and you’re seeing it now.

    I hope someone speaks to this and offers the solution I mentioned or some other, because as it stands now, the Marxist Left is in the process of overthrowing our government from within and making huge gains daily, even when they aren’t the party in power.

  2. Did the poor guy that set himself on fire in front of the courthouse where they are prosecuting Trump, do so because of abuses the judiciary is attempting on President Trump???

    • I hope that this poor person didn’t do this thinking that this would change these corrupted Lawyers, Lawyers in black robes, D.A’s and Attorney Generals. Nothing but “we the people” can make them change. All of them should be wearing red jumpsuits when they leave the office with the Target Logo on their backs. Like Congresswoman Waters urged, “Get them on the street, gas stations, supermarkets, restaurants, etc…”. This is tho only thing that will get this country back on track. These individuals and the criminals in Washington sponsoring the travesty against President Trump, and the invasion of our country, need to be stopped. What garbage Shumer is!

  3. Everyone sees what a corrupt court this is and still they are allowed to persist, this is not the America I know and love!

    • The New York legal system is nothing more than an organized crime organization like those that are still there from the 20s.


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