Black Chicago Residents Stage REVOLT Against Democrat Mayor | ‘Stop using OUR Money for ILLEGALS’



Never thought id here a politician call the black community in Chicago " the far right" .. now we know that phrase has no meaning

This will be the third time I will vote for Trump!!! I just hope it's not to late!!!
Trump '24!!! ✌️


  1. the citizens of cjicago R un-worthy of being citizens… their citizenship shud B revoked—& given 2 the Newcomers!!! ;~)

  2. All American citizens should know
    that your U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are under assault, and an open mind will realize that
    the threat comes from the democrats, look at the history of the democrat party, and you will
    understand where America’s problems begin and continue to this day.

  3. Biden is has outspent every President in History with our tax money, this man should be in jail for treason along with his regime!

  4. It’s a disgrace what these democratic politicians are doing to our country. PEOPLE THIS IS WHAT YOU CALL RESET, BETTER KNOWN AS ONE WORLD ORDER!! This is what the liberal left wants to take over our government. We have to stop them! Come November vote these corrupt communists out of office so we can save our democracy. Every one of you can see what we have now, are you happy with your lives being ruined by these crooks? Biden is in China’s hands now and he will never be able to get out, they own him. Our country would never be in this mess if President Trump was still in office. I know President Trump has his faults but they are no where near what Biden’s faults are. Biden is a down right communist corrupt dictator who wants the USA to collapse. Our whole nation depends on all who want to live in this beautiful country staying with our rights to freedom. Biden and his followers, his administration should be held responsible for all the atrocities that are happening here. It’s a disgrace for them to have the power to control our government. VOTE THEM OUT!!!


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