Barack And Michelle Obama Humiliated After Gay Video Leak – Embarrassing



Pray for TRUMPS safety!!



  1. Poor Doug in Exile. He lives under a rock in his happy little bubble upon the hill. Come on Dougy. This is real life and has been happening all around you all your life. Just because you’re experiencing it for the first time don’t make it out to be something out of the ordinary. And don’t judge lest he shall be judged. Hopefully those are words you recognize.

  2. Poor Joe, in brainwashed denial. Joe lives under a rock in his deranged little bubble upon the hill. Come on, Joey. This is perverted life and has been indoctrinating weak minded people, such as yourself, for a long satanic time. Just because you’ve been experiencing this evil and excepted it, doesn’t make it out to be normal. Sin is judged by Christians, not the sinner. Only God can judge the soul. Hopefully you will discover this before you leave this earth.
    I know where you are going if you don’t.

    • John 3:16, Belief Alone in Christ Along equals Saved by God through Grace, His Grace, that’s it….Believe Christ died on the cross, arose on the third day and accened to heav’n and He, Christ is with God in Heaven.
      It’s not our thought or opinon it’s Gods Mind which is the Bible. The mind of Christ.

      Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the only way to get to God. For the wages of sin is death.
      God sent His Son who he made into a sacrifice for all human sins and judges every sin we had, current and future, all sins were put on Jesus, a God/Man who knew No Sin was made the unrighteous for us/humans.

      The measure of a good person is not measure up to another person but your life must Measure up to Christ’s Perfect Life…for which no human created can ever be perfect because we were made by the Creator.

      No creature is greater than the Creator.

      By Grace we are saved Not of ourselves (No good works) to anyone.

      God + Grace + Jesus was the last sacrifice = Free Gift, an eternal life with our Creator. What do you do when someone gives you a Gift, you accept it. If not then you determine your eternal forever with Christ or without Him not in Heaven but other H.E double hockey sticks…

      The Chose Is Yours…God is no respecter of persons…He gave us all Free Will (chose) do with it what may but there is always a Consciences/Repercussion for every good or bad action.

      God/Jesus is a Gentleman and will Never force you to do anything.

      Blessing to All,
      In Him.

  3. Maybe Doug lives under a rock, But this shit the Obama,s put on Tv for kids. Well Joe you can let your kids watch the Obama ,s shit show , but i do not want children watching this kind of stuff. This is destroying the morals of our country and trying to lead our children astray.

  4. Man & a woman… not a man & man or a woman & a woman—& definitely neither w/a child—let me get back under my rock!

  5. This is extremely bad for children. The reason for this is because the “Obamas’’ are transgender themselves! They are a disgrace to our society!

  6. Jesus predicted that before the Second Coming, the world will be like as it was in the days of Lot (Sodom and Gomorrah) in which the people of Sodom–from the youngest to the oldest–came out and surrounded Lot’s house and demanded the two angels be brought out so that they may “know” them. According to the Bible, this is where we are heading–a complete breakdown in morals and restraint in which homosexual gang rape is commonplace. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah as an example. That is what will happen to us.

  7. Old Barack was a WELL known inhabitant of the Chicago Bathhouses. He preferred “older, pudgy WHITE men”.
    He is a communist and a muslim.


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