Here’s The REAL REASON Why Congress Is Sending Money to Ukraine!!!



Soo many corrupt politicians it is sickening no wonder so many don’t want President Trump in office as President !!!! Trump 2024 !!!!!!!!

Arrest all the traitors


  1. While corruption plays a VERY SIGNIFICANT role in aiding Ukraine, the real purpose in supporting Ukraine is to prevent Putin’s goal of acquiring both the Black Sea and Baltic Sea areas to control trans-Atlantic trade.

    Whether or not the District of Corruption and its denizens realize this is a matter of conjecture.

    • No, the real reason is to keep Ukraine from proving that Biden is working with corrupt Countries and using our money to cover it up!

  2. Well, much as I like Dr. Turley, he and I disagree on this one, but let me declare my prejudice. I spent 8+ years in uniform (incl. as an Intel Officer) at a time when the USSR was at the height of its power and, moreover, during a period which the Russians considered a “window of opportunity” for taking down the USA, which was wallowing in the aftermath of Vietnam, with a military which was shrinking and broken.
    We didn’t even dare take our ships into the Baltic or Eastern Mediterranean. The Russians were making all kinds of headway in Asia, in Africa, and in Latin America. What’s more, secure in their belief that we were on the ropes, they twice (in 1978 and again in 1979) set up for a “shoot”. They had their “boomers” off our coasts, complete with support vessels (so many we were having to use skeleton-manned reserve ships just to try to keep track of them). God knows why they didn’t carry through with it, but they didn’t, and the folks like Putin, who was a young, ambitious KGB officer at the time, believe that that was the fatal error which destroyed the USSR 10 years later. They truly believe they should have pushed the button. And they believe that those times are returning and that opportunity is again ready to present and Ukraine is merely a test – it’s our Sudetenland and abdication in Ukraine will, I guarantee it, be our “Munich Moment”. How many lives, how much time and effort and material, and how much money have we spent on containment of Russia’s hegemonic urges (and China is watching to see how it plays)? We are once again locked in a proxy war with the Russians, only now we have a committed and competent ally. Are we to abandon them because some corrupt politician stands to make a few bucks off it all? Look how much the crooks in Congress have made off every other policy and program… they’ll get their dough whether we support or abandon Ukraine, but we’ll get a lot more if we choose that latter course. What we’ll get is the loss of all control over the international situation. NATO, which has finally realized that Trump was right for excoriating their failure to maintain their militaries and military stockpiles, will be left with no faith in the USA to back them, at precisely the moment when they are finally ready to step up and do what they should have been doing all along. Macron won’t be waving his sabre, he’ll be dusting off France’s stockpile of white
    flags. Germany will be rushing to cut deals with Moscow and Turkey will be making all kinds of deals with Putin to preserve their own situation, while Sweden and Finland will be sending “never mind and forgive us” notes to the Kremlin to atone for having jumped ship to NATO. Within a year of Ukraine’s defeat, the Baltic Republics will be back in the Russian “Federation” and Poland and the Czechs will be sweating blood, knowing they are next on the list. Don’t believe me? Read the 1993 book “KGB” by the #2 and 3 guys – and let’s remember that Trump foresaw this, that’s why he was pushing NATO to up their game (an effort which saw the scum in the MSM complaining that he was “over-reacting” and “offending” our nearest and dearest allies in Europe). We’re in this mess because of the Dems’ bad decisions and Biden’s corruption and weakness, not because they want to make a killing now on Raytheon stock.

  3. oldeforte started fairly intelligently until he dove deeper and credited Trump for his “foresight”. Who is he kidding? A former real-estate agent and show master? Give me a break!


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