Hip Hop Model STUNS Reporter When Asked If She Is Still Voting For TRUMP After Conviction!



She says Amber is lost but she is lost. She’s talking about fighting for the right to kill her baby.

What is this obsession with killing children


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  2. One must wonder , if this “model” ever considered the great “WHAT IF”?
    “WHAT IF” my own mother aborted me? Would I be a “model”? Would I be “alive”?
    “Would I have a birthday party to attend?”?
    What will I be thinking about , when the “First Birthday of the baby I KILLED” comes around?

  3. Republicans aren’t trying to take away your rights, they have turned this over to being a state issue. The problem is that women have become so narrow-minded that they think the only thing that matters is being able to have an abortion. They don’t care about the children that are here and how the poor Democratic views are affecting them and their future.
    Abortions are not health care no matter how often you state that, the only way they should be considered a health care procedure is if the woman’s life is in danger. I’m sure that of the millions of abortions performed very few would have been a threat to the life of the mother. If you don’t want children, be prepared and make that decision before you get pregnant, use birth control, or abstain, as a pro-life person, this casual attitude toward taking the life of a child is very offensive just because you choose to feel that your life is more important than a baby’s life. This isn’t the Dark Ages, and there are many ways to prevent pregnancy rather than taking a life because you choose not to take preventative measures. Rape and incest should be the exception and the life of the mother. Abortion has become so casual, and women seem to forget when they say my body my choice, once you are pregnant it may be your body, but it now involves another body that doesn’t get any say in your decision. We are blessed with the ability to bring life into this world, and we seem to have forgotten what a miracle and blessing that is.


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