ALERT: Trump’s FIERY new ad is melting liberals’ minds



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  3. It doesn’t take much to melt down a liberal’s mind. Try this sometime when you are surrounded by Liberals, start chanting Trump and USA and watch them disappear like the witch in the Wizard of Oz. Then watch them flip out. Fun time because you can f**k with them so much.

  4. If people would just look at the way things are today, compared to 3.5 years ago.
    We had a booming economy under President Trump, Gas prices were much lower, food prices as well. It was affordable to go out to eat back then.
    Dementia Joe and his minions have destroyed this country and will continue to do so. Filling their pockets with illegal cash and other freebies.
    The IDIOTS that Vote for biden are those Idiots who are only looking for the free handouts.
    Inflation doesn’t affect those that are getting everything free, day in and day out!

    Dementia Joe needs to go! Get rid of this FOOL!

  5. Liberals are always funny. They really show their mentality when the get on TV. Like 8 years ago when the woman I guess, was screaming at the top of her lungs because Trump got elected. I just had to laugh, this one with her purple hair is looking like she was contemplating an abortion or a free cell phone. I might have to make a decision, boo…Hoo!


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