Gavin Newsom couldn’t say this with a straight face



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I am 63, and Biden is the worst president in my lifetime so far!


    • The Democrats will, they’ve done it in California several times. It’s apparent they don’t care about the qualifications of their candidates, they want the power and apparently, that’s good enough for the citizens who support them. I will never understand that because they are hurt just as much by their bad policies, and they never really do anything for their supporters but tell them they will. Everyone shares the effects of the policies put in place no matter who’s in office, Democrats seem to ignore it when it’s their candidates no matter how bad it is, or they blame it on the Republicans even when they aren’t in charge.

  1. Per Newsome, Biden’s been transformative. I agree he’s transformed from a tired old man to a complete idiot for all the world to see, he is incapable of doing the job he holds and now everyone sees it. November can’t come soon enough. The Democrats are in a real mess, they can’t say he needs to step down because he’s incapable because if they admit that it means he should be removed now. How can they even allow him to stay until November let alone until January when someone else would take his place? They brought this on themselves, and they knew the problems he was having, if they say they didn’t they are as bad off as he is. Lying to everyone is never a good idea, you will eventually get caught in your lies.

  2. It ain’t going to be newsome as the candidate. It’s going to be Barack Obama. Cause he wants a third he can finish America off. that was his plan in the first place.he has admitted he doesn’t care about america.and the American people will be idiots if they put him back in office

  3. Nobody I know wants Obama back! He already did his time. Too late! There will be higher inflation, he will use a Radical Socialist agenda. Food & gas will soar, no Social Security, more stimulus, bigger handouts., most radical new agenda will soar the national debt higher & faster. I will NOT follw what he will do ever!

  4. I doubt it will be anyone they have suggested so far. If they replace Biden, it will likely be Hakeem Jeffries that takes the nomination. That proposition terrifies me, talk about radical leftist! Ick!


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