Fox Panel ERUPTS On Liberal Woman Host Crying Over Trump Attacking Illegal Immigrants In RNC Speech!



Not IMMIGRANT. ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT. Get it Right Congressman

Stop LYING, Trump never said immigrants are not human and Trump said “ILLEGAL” immigrants, not “LEGAL” immigrants! Come into America the LEGAL way.


  1. I have paid taxes in this country for over half a century. Additionally I also served in the military of this country for quarter of a century and I fully agree with Trump and Vance. If these people can’t follow the law of this country the deserve to be shipped back to there home countries.

    • are you talking about those in the corrupt gov’t. that are not obeying the law? or the ones, invited to come here illegally? Amerika need to defund the unGREATful SOCIETY & Gestapo too. Urine-al-ist had to read the sign, TWICE, because of the pubic skul cistern doing such a great job.

  2. Voters 53% say deport. Trump and the Rep. don’t hate immigration but illegal immigration. People who come here legally are welcome. They want to be part of our culture, but these illegals do not. Get rid of the burden of their cost and get rid of the crime and dope they bring. Save America.

  3. PLEASE, create jobs that actually allow citizens to guard the boarder with authority to do what is NECESSARY to ensure the safety of our country! LOCK AND LOAD!

  4. A good reason NOT to watch FOX for the truth A country without borders is NO Country and these ppl break the law to start off And this Country is suppose to be a country of Law

  5. I wonder if this punk welcomes people in to the front door of his home or allows them to sneak in the back door
    Will he allow just anyone into his house


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