Democrats CAUGHT! Kamala’s ‘Proof of Life Phone Call’ With Biden is a RECORDING | A.I. Proves It!?


Why did Kamala Harris almost refer to the phone call with Joe was a “Recording”?!


Don’t assume “We got it in the bag” Get out and VOTE !!!! TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP

Who else is sick of living under this Antiwhite Democrat regime?


  1. People take a breath and look at what is happening. The democraps in thirst to retain power have offered you a token, for them taking away 14 million peoples wish for Joey to be the nominee. I just read an article, where a black woman said she was voting for Kamala because she is black. Okay but before you do let me ask you this question. In light of what we have just witnessed what exactly has Kamala done to deserve this nomination? She failed miserably on her job assigned to her by Joey as border czar. I have failed to hear her talk about that made any since. I have failed in fact to see her do anything productive since 2020. Want to look into the future, look at this past week, she decided it was more important to speak to a group of teachers about nothing good, I am sure it had something to do with promoting the Woke teaching of their students, than meet with a head of state. She finally meets with the head a day later. A country dealing with war and teachers were more important. Then she failed to condemn the actions that occurred in DC this week with protest and destruction of monuments. Never said a word. So with her nothing will change with crime and violence. The DOJ will still be the same, corrupt, and Barack will still make all of the decisions. Think about that lady before you pull the handle or color in the circle. She will not give you anything else free, either!


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