This man just TOOK OVER the Trump rally, what he says is just amazing!!



God please protect Trump and save The United States of America.

Nobody with a brain and common sense wants another 4 years of The Cackler. Trump 2024!


  1. Kamala Toe has not done anything for her to earn this position, Kamala make this statement true, you don’t stand a chance against Trump based on your failures not only in DC but also when you were a prosecutor, you were soft on crime, you allowed criminals to run free, and you released people with rape charges against them for no reason. She has nothing to run on, because she has done nothing, only to help set Joey Bribden up for failure. Yes, you encouraged Joey to make decisions that were unfavorable and his ultimate undoing. You were eager to receive the nomination for the party even though you have been the least productive and largest failure at your position as VP

    • The problem is that Trump has turned into a crazy corrupt lying POS wannabe dictator. He has lost the women’s vote by taking away their rights to their body. He wants to take away everyone’s right to vote, which even Republicans are against. He’s too old physically and mentally and we could get stuck with JD Vance! Plus Trump’s mind is gone as you can see when he starts ranting about “the late great Hannibal Lechter” or boat batteries, sharks, snakes, etc. He is unfit for office, but there still is time to get a candidate that voters respect. Otherwise you see how the momentum has swung to Harris. Even FOX showed those polls!

      • Trump a dictator, oh you’re confused just like Joey. Joey is the one putting conservatives in jail but yet when the Demo. destroy property. OK. Turns down Trumps request for FBI back up, for his rally (doesn’t look good Joey). When Trump was legally allowed to take papers from the WH (when a senator, VP aren’t) Joey has Trumps houses raided. Teiling people to get the covid vax or lose your job (dictators do that), telling people they can only drive electric cars, no gas stoves, only solar panels to heat and cool your home (that’s a dictator). Get your facts straight and look the meaning of words you don’t understand.

      • Donald Trump is very alert with his mind, speech and references to the Progressives, Demos, Rinos and the swamp. No where at any time has he indicated he will be a Dictator. Some one in the media started that lie. Remember if the 2020 election had not been stolen, Donald Trump would be exiting the White House. Ever since the rigged 2020 election the someones said, “oh, he can run in 2024”. Well it’s 2024 and he is running for president.

      • So Juan, you’d rather listen to kamal toes talk “word salads” and bumbling mumbling joe try to talk than Trump. I can see your IQ…….

  2. There is nothing beautiful about this woman, what are here policies, what does she sees for the direction of this country. Nothing, she failed a simple task the only one she was really given in 4 years and failed miserably with that task. She will be nothing more than an extension of the Bribden policy and Obama;’s new puppet.

  3. It’s true that Trump has lost the women’s vote, and that could be the deciding factor. And now Trump was warned people they won’t vote again if he is elected. The Dems were smart enough to dump their old man, and now the GOP needs to do the same. Trump looks and sounds physically and mentally unfit to be president or even last 4 years. He’s an embarrassment especially when he starts babbling about “the late great Hannibal Lechter” or sharks, boat motors, snakes, whales, windmills, etc. Just look at the FOX poll that shows Harris leading in most states. It’s not too late, time to get a candidate that voters respect. Trump will lose. Go ahead with the insults, or suggest a solution.


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