Holy freakin CRAP he actually said this to a room full of…



According to Jussie Smollet, Chicago is MAGA country

Why is there even a black journalist convention? If you can’t have a white journalist convention, why the double standard?


  1. Where was Kamalla? She wouldn’t be concerned that Harriet Faulkner might ask her a question she may not be able to bullshit her on. These socialists want everything their way or they won’t play and then demean and denigrate their opponent.

    • You mean HARRIS Faulkner? You show your ignorance already. Your boy tRUMP is afraid to debate Kamala (your mispronunciation of her name shows how pathetically immature you are). Or he only will debate her now if it with his buddies at FAUX NOISE. Good try. She will spin circles around him. He can’t put together one coherent sentence.

      • Hahahah This is a joke, right? Name one thing the border czar has done to improve America….we’ll wait. Now who’s the dummy? In the words of the Indi, Asian, Jamaican, Black Woman…The policies are so good I have done that we have to look at the good to understand the policy of the goodness…You madame are a crackpot…

      • You libs enjoy lying constantly !! Trump Never did day he wouldn’t debate calling Kamala!!
        He has even extended another invitation to debate her !! So far she has NOT responded !!
        So you think a prostitute would run circles around Trump ?? Proved your low IQ!! She would get lost in another word salad and all the uneducated ignorant libs would applaud!!

      • Damn you ignorant ! TRUMP invited Kamala to debate !! She waved him off and refuses to debate !! Check real news !!
        She would get pummeled by Trump and she knows it!!

  2. Lamestream media racists have nothing else but race. The Americans, black, white, purple, striped are fed up with the libtard. So they lost the groups they classify. Isn’t that racist? Tired of these useless idiots for the elites. There is a definite mental defect in the libtard and their mediia. Enough division, one of the steps in the Cloward Piven Barak is following for Soros.

    • Maybe the liberals (or common sense) people are sick of racists and hypocrites. Ever think of that? Trump has done nothing for anyone except himself and his rich friends. “Mental defect” ? Good try. Funny you and your “REPUGNANTANS” spend more time making up names and acting as juvenile as you are. When you can’t argue the facts then just reduce yourself to name calling. Classy.

      • the liberals in Portland, did NOTHING about the rapes during the “summer of love”. liberals, socialist and the left hate blacks and woman, yet call the other side the NAZIs and racist. Total brainwashed fools, lemmings that are nothing but lab rats. and YES I said IT vermin. shoot the savages, with your 2nd amendment RIGHT, given to you by GOD, for self preservation (the fittest)

  3. Let’s face it. This is a right wing site and no matter what you say about liberals, you are 100% wrong! Right wingers are out to destroy our country beginning with orange faced Frumpy and Vance. Please take me off your list of people you are trying to convince that Republicans care about the citizens of our country!

      • Sorry, it must be depressing for you to keep supporting a total loser like Trump. Hillary got 3 million more votes. Biden flushed the orange turd without even campaigning or holding rallies. Trump lost again with his failed Red Tsunami. If insults help your pain, fine, go for it. Are you going to be a blubbering idiot when Trump loses again as usual? The majority of Americans still have no use for an old corrupt lying traitorous POS wannabe dictator. That’s obvious.

    • take me off the list of the IRS and the Fibbers, ATF, CIA. I hope your neighbor takes you OFF, permanently, ms. primate. your socialist screeners don’t work here, like @ Yoohoo

    • You need to pull your head out and get away from communist Democrat cult !! You are 1000 percent wrong when you say conservatives are destroying America !!.
      When Hillary called Democrat voters ” basically STUPID” she knew for once what she was talking about

  4. Trump proved in his first term that he was an incompetent buffoon and was totally clueless. Why else do you think the majority of Americans flushed the orange turd at the first opportunity they had?

      • sloppy, sniffy Joe Obiden (senile as he may be) is the BEST your party has? Then you allow 3 jackasses to “choose” your nominee? IS that called democracy? dumbasses

      • Bwahaha. Your remark is so assinine it is hilarious !! Only an ignorant clown would make such a remark!
        Remember Hillary said ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID..” CONGRATS

    • 20% inflation…. more than that on rising costs of different foods and materials.. All Biden and Harris. You’re a fool. So are the other idiots that support the Marxist Demon/crat party. They are ruining America and we are a laughingstock of the world. There is no empirical data that shows the Democratic party has contributed one good thing since all those ballot stuffers put an invalid in office. Take your plush animal and find a safe place.

      • when the mass deportation occurs, every illegal will be given a free liberal, as a going away present, to take with them. IT is a WIN WIN. We will restore the republic, that Lincoln destroyed in the 1860’s. Make Men Free Again

      • I’m hoping that you really aren’t stupid enough to think that Biden or Trump or any president can tell companies what they can charge for their products?

    • Incompetent?? Bwahaha. Ignorance is strong in you !!
      Under Trump :
      Black, Hispanic,and women unemployment at 40 years low !!
      Gas prices under $2 gallon , now close to $5
      Major crime down . Now blue cities are rampant with crime.
      Less than 2 million ILLEGALS crossed border , now under border czar Kamala OVER 10 MILLION.
      No new wars in world when Trump in office !!
      Should I go on ?? I could but have proven you are a typical uneducated ignorant lib with IQ lower than your shoe size

      • It’s true that Trump has lost the women’s vote, and that could be the deciding factor. And now Trump was warned people they won’t vote again if he is elected. The Dems were smart enough to dump their old man, and now the GOP needs to do the same. Trump looks and sounds physically and mentally unfit to be president or even last 4 years. He’s an embarrassment especially when he starts babbling about “the late great Hannibal Lechter” or sharks, boat motors, snakes, whales, windmills, etc. Just look at the FOX poll that shows Harris leading in most states. It’s not too late, time to get a candidate that voters respect. Trump will lose. Go ahead with the insults if it makes you feel better, or suggest a solution to having such a loser as nominee. Voters didn’t flush Trump last election (and in the Red Tsunami) just because he was a buffoon. There were many more reasons to get rid of the lying traitorous corrupt POS wannabe dictator.


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