Stephen Colbert Audience TURNS On Him, LAUGHS in His FACE after SIMPING For CNN | Anchor Shocked



Caitlin and Colbert … two intolerable hacks

I’m 66 Ronald Reagan Voter Black, my sons are Trump voters Iraq and Afghanistan vets


  1. Benny: you are as phony as they come in this world. All you do is manipulate sound bites in an attempt (failed at that) to produce your narrative. FAIL !! And ive never heard a more phony laugh. Go back to something you’re good at… maybe flipping burgers.

  2. This message for the 66 year old black vet and his son the REAGAN GOP voters. Ronald and Donald are 2 very very different men. Ronald gave Amnesty to 9 million immigrants and Donald wants to build a wall on our southern border, in total contrast to our Highest American Ideals. Reagan believed in what is Etched on the Statue of liberty. We are a nation of Immigrants and always WILL BE. People from all over the world come to our shores for a better life. China has 1.3 billion people living in the same size of land as ours in the USA. OUR POPULATION currently is 350 million. That is one billion people less than China. Don’t worry about the immigrants we have room for them and our constitution is the best in the world for any human being to live under. The majority of the American people are Honorable, Compationate and Generous. What makes us great is our Diversity, We don’t need a hateful miserable Character like HUMPTY DUMPTY TRUMPTY TO define our Represent us period. This CRIMINAL man is not Fit for our Highest office in our land of of Liberty and Justice for all.

    • Elias, When Ronald Reagan allowed migrants to enter our country they entered legally which means they went through customs they had background checks. These illegals are not entitled to come here just because they show up at the border. They are plowing through our borders ILLEGALLY. What part of this don’t you understand? Donald Trump never said he didn’t want migrants, what he said was THEY HAVE TO ENTER LEGALLY. You are spreading misinformation and down right lies because you believe Harris/ Waltz and that’s fine but they want a socialist government which means they will be in control of everything. Most people think socialism is being social like Waltz told in his speech, he is lying to the public about this but some people are not understanding what it really means. Harris and Waltz are communists will steer us to a One World Order just like George Soros wants. By the way Donald Trump is no criminal, the liberal lefties didn’t prove anything because there was nothing he did wrong. Bogus crap that’s all it was. Biden should be impeached and investigated for his ties with China, Russia and other not so great countries that are ready to destroy our country.

    • Hey you lying POS how many ILLEGALS are you taking in , feeding, clothing, paying medical bills??.
      Your stupidity shows constantly!!
      You should be ashamed to be so stupid in America today !?

    That’s the way the CONSTITUTION reads.

    And you do not deserve to be on this land!!

    “F O”


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