INSANE Dashcam Footage Seconds BEFORE Trump Shooting RELEASED | This is BAD



This is a COVERUP!!



  1. The more I learn about the (attempted) assassination coverup; the more convinced I am that it was aided & abetted by the deep state puppeteers. There are just too many inconsistancies in the government version of these events. Now they are trying to pretend it never happened; & why did the feds confiscate the rifle, incinerate the body & claim the feds shot him; when it was a swat cop who did it. Anyone who isn’t brainwashed by far lefts lies, should see this for what it is.

  2. Former military/former intel officer. It’s impossible to look at the site and the events of this whole mess without concluding that it could ONLY have been done with the connivance (and likely assist) of the Secret Service. it is simply impossible to imagine the level of utter incompetence which would have had to prevail for this to have happened otherwise. They watched the guy walk in with a laser rangefinder. They watched (and filmed) the shooter as he walked around with a rifle (looks like an AR) under his arm. They had to see him as he climbed a ladder (visible) onto an unsecured roof (on a building full of cops who had been sent to hang out inside it) with a clear line of sight to the candidate/protectee, barely 100 yards away (a standard range for rifle qualification, for which the shooter had, in fact, had training). Moreover, at the time (and despite people yelling about and pointing out a guy on the roof with a gun) of the shooting, Trump’s “personal protection squad” (the people who are supposed to be nearby and around him, blocking sight lines and providing close in protection) weren’t even on the platform but were actually down in the seats, pointlessly rearranging chairs and stuff (which is why there were 8 shots before any of the guys who are supposed to be next to the protectee even got onto the podium). Not only can you NOT find a single thing the Secret Service did right, but almost everything they did looked like they were intent on facilitating the assassination. They and Cheatle and Merrick Garland should be in jail, right now – preferably in Gitmo, with a towel and bucket of water handy.

  3. Of course they’re destroying all evidence. They don’t want to be held accountable for their actions. This was a total set up. Thank God, Trump survived. Prayers to Corey’s family and the others injured that day. This administration is at fault and probably were behind the shooting. Most disgusting administration in our history.


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