Gold Star Families Take Turns DESTROYING Kamala Harris After Attack Against Trump BACKFIRES!



FJB worst president in American history

So glad President Trump was there for them.


  1. Again, the fake news exaggerates another story. Those people invited Trump and also ask Bribden and Harris to attend. Trump accepted and the gold star families never heard from Bribden or Harris, Miss I was the last one to leave the situation room with Joey. Well the families asked for some pictures to be taken and then all hell broke loose. He is using this for political purposes. Bullspit, he was compiling with the family’s request and to the tee all families have come out in support of Trump. People no one with their right mind can trust anything Harris says about her ability to defend this country. She ignores the gold star families and also ignores the border, I recently read that low information people are voting for Harris, hello if she keeps the border open if elected, then you to will lose your benefits because they will spread them to thin for them to pay you like they are today. So, my advice to you is wake up or get a job, because she too will turn you out onto the streets and she don’t care.

  2. I listened to John Hagee’s sermon from this past Sunday. He said-” Our friends no longer trust USA and our enemies no longer fear the USA– because of Joe Biden”.

  3. Again the MSM avoids the true story But then most dems dont really care about Our military ppl That is why they want to weaken them with the CRT A a Nam vet i have seem his many time where dems talk like they do when it fits them but dont show it lies id there way


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