IT’S STARTING! Bill Gates Is Doing It AGAIN And Not Even Hiding It This Time



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That shifty look is definately evil, he knows what he just said is complete BS


    • This is not about a thirst for money for any of them except the lower Echelon people Bill Gates parents were best friends with Margaret Sanger the lady that invented Planned Parenthood he is a eugenicist he wants to get rid of everybody off the planet and there are all the elites are just like that and it’s not got nothing to do about money it’s got to do about getting rid of you

    TODAY and Every Day
    He’s Ready and Willing for You and Your Family and All of AMAZING AMERICA 🇺🇸 and the rest of the World 🗺️ to See Him and His BRILLIANT BRAIN 🧠 via the Daily COMMENTARY that He Has Been Doing For You and Your Children 🧒

  2. Bill hates is satanic. He has an organization dedicated to population control !! He has said that the population must be reduced to save him and the planet !! He thinks that because he is wealthy he can determine who lives !!
    Little does this man know that he is not in charge !! God is in control and Gates may want to be careful!!

    • Then, his own children need to stop adding people to the world population. So, according to him everyone else needs to go, but his family is exempt.
      Evil demon in human form.

  3. This is not about a thirst for money for any of them except the lower Echelon people Bill Gates parents were best friends with Margaret Sanger the lady that invented Planned Parenthood he is a eugenicist he wants to get rid of everybody off the planet and there are all the elites are just like that and it’s not got nothing to do about money it’s got to do about getting rid of you

  4. Not everyone who gets filthy rich starts thinking they are GOD, but obviously some do!! Gates is all about population control and making sure he STAYS rich!!!!! If you haven’t been living under a rock for the last 40 years, you know that!!

  5. Gates says “. . .how to get people to take vaccines & stuff”. What? Do you mean the untested, mRNA experimental injections that killed massive numbers of people and injured millions more? That the problem? Anyone with an ounce of discernment and familiar with things the government has done to its people in the past would be hesitant to take the untested, experimental mRNA injections that only now have been deemed unsafe for some. The COVID hoax needs to be investigated by honest doctors. Dr Peter McCullough, a cardiologist, sounded the alarm early on. But he was labeled misinformation, misinformed, spreading lies. He saved many lives by standing up to Fauci, who belongs in prison—along with Gates.


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