New Trump Assassin Arrested in Pennsylvania! Registered Democrat. How Many is That Now? | Redacted



And yet here we have actual real Americans locked up still in solitary confinement for hurting the Democrats feelings on Jan six’s infamous unarmed protest.

Mental institutions seems like they might make a resurgence


  1. Well i guess we can look forward to this for the next four years or so while Trump is in his final four years if the White House. What should we think since Democrats are stoking this kind of crap with there language.

  2. Time to take the country from the DUMBASSCRATS!!
    They’ve been to CORRUPT for way to long.
    Doesn’t matter the language. The language Republicans need to start using is BRING IN THE GUILLOTINE !!!

  3. Corruption and Lies and Hateful Violence is a way of life for Democrats there’s a lot of Crazy Hateful people that are programmed to help turn this Country into a Socialist Country.

  4. I have just one question. Why can’t anyone attempt to assassinate Harris? After all, she wants to destroy America while Trump wants to SAVE America!

  5. Amazing it’s it. With all the crying of the democrats are doing about trump. It’s only the mind set of democrats that’s so far out there. Their losing touch with reality. And you want a mind set like this running the country. Bad enough yall played dump with Biden, but now yall pick a worse one who wilfully sets out to hurt any not on her band wagon. What’s wrong with you !!! How far are the democrats willing to go to get their way. And what’s worse is how far are you willing to go to help them ???

  6. I heard that some of the garbage man found the birth certificate of Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama that this darbage document certified that he was born in Kenya. And also found Hillary Clinton a bunch of deleted documents about White Water in the garbage. And also found the DNA test from Judge Lorren Lake that Chelsea Clinton did not match Slicky Bill Clinton,


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