Just afraid she’ll miss a chance at a stock tip! Her and her husband should be truly investigated and prosecuted accordingly! Poster child for term limits!
The real disgrace is the lack of empathy you are demonstrating. Lack of empathy by you and your harsh followers signals lack of conscience. In other words, the mindset of sociopaths. The concern of the left is the horrific volume of sociopathic mindset demonstrated by Trump and his supporters.
Getagrip, where was YOUR empathy when Trump had two attacks on his life ??
The concern of the right is the horrific volume of sociopathic mindset demonstrated by Kamala and her supporters
Where was your empathy when he raped his wife? Where was your empathy when he swindled thousands of customers out of tuition for a fraudulent university? Where was your empathy when he claimed that household products would cure the pandemic? You have blinded yourself to his failings in order to get your agenda met. Only a sociopath thinks an eye for an eye is appropriate mindset for an adult. Every time you and others throw back, you are proving your character disorder. Stop trying to defend his failures by throwing charges at others and look at what his behavior represents as an individual.
Raped his wife ?? More lib bullshit!! He NEVER claimed household products would cure pandemic! More lib lies and bullshit.
You are so blind , uneducated , ignorant to the failing of communist Democrat party! Typical of uneducated lib cult!!
Stop trying to defend her failures and that of Biden administration by throwing charges at others and look at behavior of pelosi and Biden and Kamala and Democrats
Where is the “lack of empathy”? No one said anything negative about her health – just pointed out the crookedness of her many, many years in office. I will go there, though – Pelosi is not even using the canes/sticks correctly. Also, I played tennis 6 weeks after hip replacement and I am in my 70s. She looks bad but I am sure her mind is the same as always.
Ms Pelosi and her husband have enriched themselves and their family, with insider trading and influence peddling for many years. The American people who struggle to put food on the table because of the horrible inflation the Democrats have refused to address for the past decade, doesn’t seem to draw much empathy from Ms. Pelosi. She is said to be recovering from a hip replacement and it looks like she threw in another facelift too! Lucky Nancy. She is the one who joyfully goes on her money hungry way while her constituents just go hungry.
EMPATHY? NP is what’s wrong with our Country. She personifies the word “corruption” and has made a mockry of or our political system and screwed the American people. A deep state political hack that should be serving time!
She needs that cane shoved up her ass for destroying our country.
Live a fit life lose your weight and keep your self fit. zp You don’t need to do any diet or any exercise just follow this and live
fit life….. Check my Name
Satan is NOT done with her YET!
Just afraid she’ll miss a chance at a stock tip! Her and her husband should be truly investigated and prosecuted accordingly! Poster child for term limits!
The real disgrace is the lack of empathy you are demonstrating. Lack of empathy by you and your harsh followers signals lack of conscience. In other words, the mindset of sociopaths. The concern of the left is the horrific volume of sociopathic mindset demonstrated by Trump and his supporters.
Getagrip, where was YOUR empathy when Trump had two attacks on his life ??
The concern of the right is the horrific volume of sociopathic mindset demonstrated by Kamala and her supporters
Where was your empathy when he raped his wife? Where was your empathy when he swindled thousands of customers out of tuition for a fraudulent university? Where was your empathy when he claimed that household products would cure the pandemic? You have blinded yourself to his failings in order to get your agenda met. Only a sociopath thinks an eye for an eye is appropriate mindset for an adult. Every time you and others throw back, you are proving your character disorder. Stop trying to defend his failures by throwing charges at others and look at what his behavior represents as an individual.
I have forwarded your comment about raping his wife to the President, you may be getting a lawsuit shortly.
Raped his wife ?? More lib bullshit!! He NEVER claimed household products would cure pandemic! More lib lies and bullshit.
You are so blind , uneducated , ignorant to the failing of communist Democrat party! Typical of uneducated lib cult!!
Stop trying to defend her failures and that of Biden administration by throwing charges at others and look at behavior of pelosi and Biden and Kamala and Democrats
Where is the “lack of empathy”? No one said anything negative about her health – just pointed out the crookedness of her many, many years in office. I will go there, though – Pelosi is not even using the canes/sticks correctly. Also, I played tennis 6 weeks after hip replacement and I am in my 70s. She looks bad but I am sure her mind is the same as always.
Ms Pelosi and her husband have enriched themselves and their family, with insider trading and influence peddling for many years. The American people who struggle to put food on the table because of the horrible inflation the Democrats have refused to address for the past decade, doesn’t seem to draw much empathy from Ms. Pelosi. She is said to be recovering from a hip replacement and it looks like she threw in another facelift too! Lucky Nancy. She is the one who joyfully goes on her money hungry way while her constituents just go hungry.
At this point, perhaps we should feel sorry for this dishonest old bat. She needs to go away.
EMPATHY? NP is what’s wrong with our Country. She personifies the word “corruption” and has made a mockry of or our political system and screwed the American people. A deep state political hack that should be serving time!
Check mY Name
This video of Nancy is emblematic of the current democratic party.
She needs one more and final fall with Mitch. And the world will be better with out them!