A new era has BEGUN!!!



I live in Utah and we are all embarassed by Mitt Romney’s betrayal of Pres Trump!

Good riddance Ronna. Your lack of funding America First candidates gave the country legendary losses.


  1. It’s time that both parties make changes. They need to remember they work for us, they don’t rule us. This is the reason we need term limits. They should be able to hold office for 3 terms and that’s all. This was never meant to be a lifetime job.Many have been In congress so long they don’t work for us anymore. They think they know what is best for us. But it’s not what we want at all. I believe this causes many problems when it comes to working with each other. They believe that they owe it to there party. Which is a false way to look at it. They are there to do what we the people want, not what the party wants. It has gotten so bad that the government thinks they are in charge of us. I have really been thinking that it’s time that both parties are taken done some.
    It’s as if they think they are the smart ones and what they say is what we need to do. But that is not why we voted them into office. The truth is that they have themselves are who are causing the problems we are having. Many of them act like they put their pants on a different way than the rest of us do. There is also a large problem with some of them taking bribes or being paid to push a bill through. Or committing fraud. I believe this has gotten much worse than we realize. In the last couple of years way too many have been caught doing these type of things. And one of the parties now is trying to change our country into a dictatorship run by them. Allowing the billionaires of the world to run our country was never supposed to happen but it is what is going on now! I don’t believe that any of these people, have any idea of what they may well unleash by doing this? I also don’t believe that they know how many people will die by doing this or maybe they don’t care or won’t care until this hits them and their families. No one will be exempt from this if it starts

  2. Mexico has term limits.
    I think you have a primary concern that two parties have a majority of the power. Voters not wanting to vote for a person belonging to one party, only have the other party as an alternative. The unwanted effect of a third party is that it helps the Democrats or Republicans to win as voters of primarily one of the two parties are drawn to the third party candidate. For example, the use of Kanye West to draw Black voters away from the Democrats.


    This worm hasn’t crawled back under her rock yet?

    Just how long is she going to be resigning? IT’S BEEN MONTHS NOW.


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