ANOTHER NYC Citizen ARRESTED On The Subway For Trying To Help!



He stood up to help a woman being attacked. Hero in my book.

NYC cops are embarrassing. The democrats hate you, yet you follow their orders?!


    • They keep electing Demo-Nazis , and expect a different result.
      So what does that say about our fellow American Citizens, it says they are Stupid, Lazy, do not want to work, and would rather collect and hate the cops and Law in General.

  1. What is wrong with this country?

    “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”-Barak Hussein

  2. WE now need to help each other and protect ourselves. The dirty dems want the killers to have their way. Soros has spent lots of money to bring the US back over 100 years were crime is easy to get away with.

  3. According to the law on the books this guy did break the law so the Police have to go through the motions he will be set free after the little people quit screaming for justice

  4. Trying to HELP ??? Law enforcement has gone to the dogs since Biden took office. The Democrats don’t want to dirty their hands on criminals, so the average citizen has to fare for himself. There may have been more then one hero there, but only one had balls enough to do something about what was happening. So if I am trying to defend myself and I hurt someone, what happens to me??? Sometimes it takes the police way too long to answer a call for help. Do we just wait, or do we do something about before the police get there ???

  5. They want to take away our right to self-protection. Guns are our 2nd amendment right in the Bill of Rights, second only to freedom of speech.
    Look what happened on Oct. 7th with the Hamas’ massacre in Israel. Shocking to realize Israel – where men and women serve in the military and are knowledgeable about guns – do not have our right to self- protection. They are now applying for gun licenses. Too late!


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