AOC immediately regretted this lol



Pretty much everything AOC says is worthy of regret.

AOC is ridiculous .


  1. Those folks went up against the wrong guy that day! Tony ate every single one of them for lunch. We need him in Washington. He should have just told AOC, “Hey little girl, go make me a Screwdriver, it’s Orange Juice and Vodka”. What a lying and corrupt bunch those DEM’s are!
    And now Bribem has the CIA lying to keep them away from Hunter.

  2. I would feel sorry for AOC except that she has been in Congress for years and has failed to get any education of information as to the job she is supposed to be doing. Completely clueless!

  3. Message for the people in AOC’s district . VOTE THIS BRAINLESS TWIT OUT!!!! She has done nothing for you. She prances around and making big bucks but is laughing her ass off at all of you. She got elected on pure lies and you people fell for it. She’s trying to play with the big boys and she is failing miserably. Show this bitch where the door is and let her know what you think of her once and for all. Tony B. stomped her to the ground where she belongs!!

  4. AOC thinks she can cut off a person’s answer to a question that she happened to asked. Typical lying left hypocrite! She made such an ass out of herself and it’s hilarious! 😆

  5. As I understand the RICO Statutes, They are an Enhancement to Criminal Charges, The charge as Stated by the witness was Corruption Ehanced by the RICO statutes, which would mean that Brandon conspired with these other folks , Including Crackhead, and Bobulinski, and the Crime family to launder money into his accounts, and if he did not pay taxes on said money, to defraud the government of said Taxes, as well as payola which he already confessed to on National television,.. ” Son of a Bitch, they fired their Prosecutor” to get the foreign aid monies. (So as to not Incriminate Crackhead)

  6. That’s what happens when idiots vote for idiots! being a bar tender has nothing to do with passing the bar exam!


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