AOC Looks Idiotic as She Misses the Irony of Her Latest Attack



I have to give AOC props. She can talk for hours about something she knows nothing about. She will make up statistics and research studies to bacl up her nonsensical claims. She became an elected official and didn’t know the three branches of government.

She is one large binder away from being the press secretary lol.

Whoever told AOC she was cute and smart did this country a great disservice.


  1. She was a case – perhaps somewhat like Joe Biden – who got taken over by a person (in his case, a group) and used her looks and/or personality with he/she actually doing the thinking and telling the “candidate/office holder” what to say and where to go that she would carry their special interest/s bucket and change the USA. The folks behind the curtain turned out to be right so far and we may have the destruction of this country in a place too late to stop it! AOC never came across as actually bright, but loves to talk (that is a desirable talent, I believe, for a bartender) listen, and pass on what she hears. Maybe she really thought all that bar talk was proven fact that we only had 12 years left. The most amazing thing is that supposedly sophisticated, bright “Suits” male/female sit or stand around her and act like she is some sort of genius on whatever the subject she is pontificating about and never add anything or question anything with FACTS!!! It’s double scary that her constituents hoisted her on us again by re-electing her, when I would think she would have been an embarrassment to them!

  2. So what she is saying that the Republicans are doing is exactly what the Democrats did and are doing to President Trump. Whatever Democrats are and did do they blame it on Republicans just like Biden blaming Trump for destroying Democracy he is destroying Democracy trying to remove Trump from ballots.

  3. AOC has no clue what she is talking about. What she spills out of her mouth is what the Democrats are doing. It’s like she can not keep a secret. Think bar tending was her best option for work.


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