Are the Chinese about to DEAL a DEVASTATING BLOW to America?



Bye bye Biden. You will not be missed. #Trump2024

Vote President Trump MAGA 24!!!!


  1. The bidens are so dirty. They have illegal documents in warehouse in China town. How convenient is that for the Chinese government to get that info on them illegal documents Joe had. No need to wonder why china has the hold on Joe and our country like they do. How is it they have police stations in our country. And bio labs make all kinds of nasty bio weapons on our land instead of their’s. You think china gave millons cause Joe and hunter are nice guy’s ??? A idoit and a Crack head living in the white Crack house. Still to this day not one word on who’s drugs that was, even tho hunter was living there. How is it Joe got a free pass on illegal documents he had for what 30 some years, and the democrat party saids he’s old and forgetful and that the end of it ??? Are you for real ??? First Hillary and now Joe. Yet trump who was a president and had the rights to undocumented documents get raided and charged for them. And that’s it as far as thar go’s. No one wants real answer for the corruption of the democrats. Guess it’s part of that 2 tier justice system the democrats have in play. That and its a good thing no one’s above the law right ???

    • This all started with the Korean conflict and the Vietnam conflict. The United States Congress has been centralizing power into a few corporations and into the congress. This nation is still the most powerful nation in the history of humanity and will remain so for fifty years or more. What may change this is the ability to manipulate and control communications.

  2. This all started with the Korean conflict and the Vietnam conflict. The United States Congress has been centralizing power into a few corporations and into the congress. This nation is still the most powerful nation in the history of humanity and will remain so for fifty years or more. What may change this is the ability to manipulate and control communications.


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