DEI; OKAY , THE NFL must have 59% WHITE men, 28% Black men , 14 % Mexican Men , 1% Pacific Islander men , 1% Asian men etc etc etc.
THE NBA MUST have EQUAL amounts of the same .
SO, just HOW many Black guys gonna lose their jobs because…….?
Want equality? The Air Traffic Controller people. YOU must have stutterers , people who can’t see the screen to guide planes in , and people who can’t speak at all directing air traffic into the landing lanes.
OB/GYN there must be doctors delivering babies who have epilepsy and uncontrolled epileptic fits while holding your newborn. Circumcisions must be done with same people. …………………….
DEI; OKAY , THE NFL must have 59% WHITE men, 28% Black men , 14 % Mexican Men , 1% Pacific Islander men , 1% Asian men etc etc etc.
THE NBA MUST have EQUAL amounts of the same .
SO, just HOW many Black guys gonna lose their jobs because…….?
Want equality? The Air Traffic Controller people. YOU must have stutterers , people who can’t see the screen to guide planes in , and people who can’t speak at all directing air traffic into the landing lanes.
OB/GYN there must be doctors delivering babies who have epilepsy and uncontrolled epileptic fits while holding your newborn. Circumcisions must be done with same people. …………………….