Black Woman Breaks Down In Tears Over Getting KICKED OUT of First Class Seat She Tried To Steal



Another example of “When people are used to special treatment, being treated equally seems like discrimination.” -Thomas Sowell

She wasn’t being entitled, she was being a bully trying to use her skin color to get something she didn’t purchase


  1. Another That thinks using skin tone gets you, what you think your owed!! We have King B-LIDEN that hires By SKIN color & Gender!! What can you expect!!
    Look at The VP- so dense she needs directions to get out of a wet paper Sack!!

  2. Forts and above all regardless of the taking a seat you don’t pay for There’s a thing called a flight manifest… it used in case of an accident so they can account for the passengers if your in the wrong seat and the plane crashes then they don’t know who you are

  3. This is what our country has come to. Take what you want when you want it with no accountability, no moral boundaries, lawlessness, no respect for anyone or anything, crime rampant, prisoners released out to community, border over run with illegals, drugs, human trafficking and who knows what else and indoctrination of our children from K thru college. The Soros backed democrats have pretty much succeeded in the physical and moral destruction of our country. If we are going to recover from this then Soros and his sons need to be dealt with, all the lawyers and judges disbarred for allowing crime to override the laws set forth for our country. Start making people accountable for their actions, period. You break the law you pay the price, race, color, religion, political ideology makes no difference. And… quit electing these idiots to high level positions. If you vote you need to take a civic exam so you know what the hell you are voting for and understand how the government works. There are way to many crooks residing in our government offices (many for decades) and there needs to be term limits for all branches of our government. No lifetime appointments for any position at zny level of government. This BS has been going on for way to long.

  4. I remember attending staff meetings where everyone was berated for some reason or failure. It was all standard, but weeks later some minority filed an Equal Opportunity violation complaint.

  5. Hey, but , but , but…. Dey is deservin’, Dey gets free food, free health care, free /discounted section 8 housin’ Dey needs to be EQUITABLE.. WE work our asses off for it, but Dey be born disabled wit too much melanin and dey can’t do nuffin. We needs to save dem.

  6. This is getting to be a pattern, negros , foreigners, think they’re entitlement because theirs negros.

    Like everyone else, you get what you pay,

    Just because you’re a negro, brown or black, dose not give you the right to steal someone’s first class seat

    Know matter the color of your skin

    You may of been stealing the seat of
    Some negro CFO / or CEO officer of major corporations.

    They worked hard to climb the ladder to corporate America. They earned it

  7. This is what the Democrats and Biden have caused in our nation. Because you are black, you get away with what “you think you are owed”. THIS IS NOT THE CASE. Pay if you want in First Class lady. At least she didn’t do the foul mouth scene. I couldn’t believe she didn’t know about weight and balance.

  8. If this woman didn’t have her head up her ass maybe she could have understood what was being told to her. So what does she do, she throws out the race card! No one cares what color you are, YOU are missing the point! YOU didn’t pay for a first class ticket! Shut up!


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